Hi @nicknagle
Thanks for explanation!
I checked the form and did some “manual” calculations there and it seems that this is related to the fact that some fields used in calculations are conditionally visible. Additionally there are “calculations within calculations” – results of calculations being used as part of other calculations.
Some of those “conditionally visible” numbers are then used with value of 1 instead of default 0 and if you calculate it this way, the initial calculation “adds-up”. I mean: it’s not correct in that sense that it uses wrong values but it is valid taking into account these wrong values that it uses.
IF confirmed that would be a bug but since you know your form well, may I ask you for a bit more help with testing?
Please create a copy of the form and put it on some test page on your site and then edit this copy and make all the fields that are used in calculations to be visible all time (remove all the visibility conditions from them) and then see if calculations add-up.
Let me know please so we could consult it with our developers further.
Kind regards,