Hi Antoine,
Glad you find our plugin useful.
Twentig doesn’t include an option to change the text color. To change it, you can add the CSS code below inside the Customizer’s Additional CSS panel and change the #000 value at the end of the code with your value:
body, input, textarea, .entry-title a, :root .has-primary-color, .header-footer-group, body:not(.overlay-header) #site-header .toggle, .menu-modal .toggle, .site-description, body:not(.overlay-header) .toggle-inner .toggle-text, .widget .post-date, .widget .rss-date, .widget_archive li, .widget_categories li, .widget cite, .widget_pages li, .widget_meta li, .widget_nav_menu li, .powered-by-wordpress, .to-the-top, .singular .entry-header .post-meta, .singular:not(.overlay-header) .entry-header .post-meta a, cite, figcaption, .wp-caption-text, .post-meta, .entry-content .wp-block-archives li, .entry-content .wp-block-categories li, .entry-content .wp-block-latest-posts li, .wp-block-latest-posts__post-date, .wp-block-embed figcaption, .wp-block-image figcaption, .wp-block-pullquote cite, .comment-metadata, .comment-respond .comment-notes, .pagination .dots { color: #000; }
That’s a lot of code, but that’s how Twenty Twenty was coded.
Have a nice day.
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