Joomla Install Works, while WordPress FAILED
I had no intention of using another CMS as I heard WordPress was for beginners. Instead of a 5 minute install, I ended up banging my head all day trying to figure out what is wrong with the WordPress software. Odd issues:
1. My web server was reporting an odd CSocket::OnReceive()! error in it’s log when trying to get to the index.php page.
I thought the problem was specific to my webserver at first, but then when I tried the Joomla index.php and install, NO PROBLEM and NO ERROR.
2. The WordPress instructions did not do a good job of making any distinctions between installing on your own server versus setup on a hosted server. These 2 types of setups are a bit different, including the setup of the software you must have beforehand like PHP, MySQL, and the administration programs will be different.
In the forum, it seems many people are confused about which type of install they are doing and which software to use. For example, PhpMyAdmin would usually be for a hosted server, while the MySQL command line would be for a personal server that you have direct access to. The WordPress instructions jumble up information.
3. I think the WordPress setup is poor. I did not realize this, until I attempted to install Joomla. The Joomla install steps from the index.php were pretty clear and simply worked.
4. With Joomla, you do NOT have to mess with a wp-config.php file. You simply input the information as part of the install step from their index page.
Why can’t WordPress do the same??? From the WordPress index/setup/readme you should be able to config or create the wp-config.php from your browser.
5. After the WordPress install, I could NOT login. Something was very WRONG, where after trying to login, the login page would re-appear.
The WordPress troubleshooting steps for the login problem did NOT work.
The login problem seems very common and I’m sure many people have stopped using the WordPress software because of it, yet a solution does not seem to be available.
It took 5 MINUTES with Joomla to get up and going.
Something is wrong with the WordPress setup.
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