First post not showing
Hey Guys
I am running the Mimbo3.0 theme with feature content gallery plugin. And i want the post to display from the category “articles” but the first post is always hidden, I try to tweek the if statements, but it would crash if i do anything but the current code. any ideas why?
for<?php get_header(); ?> <?php if (have_posts()) { ?> <div id="content"> <?php $postCount = 0; $page = (get_query_var('paged')) ? get_query_var('paged') : 1; query_posts( 'paged=$page&post_per_page=-1&category_name=Articles&showposts=5'); // change from $query_posts( 'paged=$page&post_per_page=-1&cat=' . get_query_var('cat') while (have_posts()) { the_post(); if( $postcount == 0 ) { //GETS LATEST OR STICKY POST ?> <div id="fcg"><?php include (ABSPATH . '/wp-content/plugins/featured-content-gallery/gallery.php'); ?></div> <!--END LEAD/STICKY POST--> <div id="more-posts"> <h3><?php _e('Recent Posts','Mimbo'); ?></h3> <?php } if( $postcount > 0 && $postcount <= 4 ) { //GETS NEXT FOUR EXCERPTS ?> <div class="clearfloat recent-excerpts"> <a href="<?php the_permalink() ?>" rel="bookmark" title="<?php the_title(); ?>"> <?php echo get_post_image (get_the_id(), '', '', '' .get_bloginfo('template_url') .'/scripts/timthumb.php?zc=1&w=105&h=85&src='); ?></a> <h4><a href="<?php the_permalink() ?>" rel="bookmark" title="<?php the_title_attribute(); ?>"><?php the_title(); ?></a> <span class="commentcount">(<?php comments_popup_link('0', '1', '%'); ?>)</span></h4> <p class="date"><?php the_time('n/d/y'); ?> • </p> <?php the_excerpt(); ?> </div> <?php //GETS NEXT HEADLINES } else { ob_start(); echo '<li><a href="'; the_permalink(); echo '">'; the_title(); echo '</a></li>'; $links[] = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); } $postcount ++; } } else { ?> <?php } ?> <?php if(count($links)): ?> <h3><?php _e('Older Posts','Mimbo'); ?></h3> <ul class="headlines"><?php echo join("\n", $links); ?></ul> <?php endif; ?> </div><!--END RECENT/OLDER POSTS--> <div id="featured-cats"> <?php if ( !function_exists('dynamic_sidebar') || !dynamic_sidebar('Mimbo Sidebar 2') ) : ?><?php endif; ?> </div> </div><!--END CONTENT--> <?php get_sidebar(); ?> <?php get_footer(); ?>
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