• Description of the problem I am trying to solve.

    Two domains and websites: siteA and siteB

    siteA is hosted. Its directory is https://www.sitea.com

    A subdirectory was created at https://www.sitea.com/B and holds the contents of siteB.

    Cpanel was used to create a subdomain and point siteB to the subdomain located at https://www.sitea.com/B

    Everything described above works OK.

    Another directory was created: https://www.sitea.com/B2

    Wordpress was installed in the B2 directory and an updated version of siteB was created.

    I want to https://www.siteB.com to point to the new B2 website.

    1. First, I did the following. I Updated the Cpanel to point the siteB domain to the B2 directory.

    This works, except for the following problem. As the new B2 website is used, all the URL addresses show up as https://www.siteA.com/B2/….
    Instead, I want the addresses to appear as before. That is, https://www.siteB.com/….

    2. Second, using the Word Press Settings – General function, I updated the Site URL to read – https://www.siteB.com. The address URL was left alone. It reads https://www.siteA.com/B2.

    When I visit the website, I get to the home page OK and the URL displays https://www.siteB.com (as before).

    But when I try to access any other page, I get a 500 server error.

    3. I tried another solution as described in some documentation and that is, updating the wp-config.php file to Define a home and site addresses. This did not work at all.

    Based on several documents, the steps described in section 2 above were recommended and should have worked.

    I am stuck! What should I do?

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  • How are you setting up the redirects? Are you using a plugin, or setting up CName entries in your DNS manager? Also, if you’re wanting to do a https://www.siteB.com setup, check that it’s not already taken? You may also need to purchase that domain from your host/domain registrar to ensure it’s actually yours to use.

    Also, check your file permissions in your CPanel file manager or using an FTP client. If you need any help doing any of this, just let me know and I or another member of the community can post some more info to walk you through any steps you’re struggling with.

    Thread Starter mario38


    The redirect is done via the Settings General function of WordPress. I assigned Site Address URL to be https://www.SiteB.com.

    Also, I set the Cpanel for the SiteB domain to point to the directory where the WordPress site is installed.

    The terms SiteA and SiteB are generic. They are not the real names. I own the real names.

    The file permissions are all default as set by the installation. They should be correct since I can access to the files via a web browser when I do not redirect to the SiteB domain but display the files under the SiteA URL.

    Sounds like the issue is happening within WordPress then.

    You could try adding the plugin 301 Redirects to redirect all your current pages to the URL you want to publicly display.


    Thread Starter mario38


    If I type https://www.sitea.com/lg/page into a browser, the correct page displays.

    Using cpanel, I define the subdomain https://www.siteb.com to point to https://www.sitea.com/lg

    Therefore, when I enter the address https://www.siteb.com/page it should display the correct page because it should effectively be the same as entering the address from the first line above.

    That is:

    https://www.sitea.com/lg/page = https://www.siteb.com/page

    I suggest you try the plugin I suggested above and see if that solves your problem. The plugin gives you more direct control over the redirects, which will tell us a lot if the plugin fixes your issue, and just as much if it doesn’t.

    It will at least narrow down the list of possible causes, if not outright solve your problem

    Thread Starter mario38


    I see two plugins:
    301 Redirects
    301 Redirects – Easy Redirect Manager

    Which one do you recommend?

    Thread Starter mario38


    I tried the 301 Redirect plugin and received the same error.

    Interesting. Did you set up a 301 redirect for a page to test it? I used that plugin when I migrated a client from plain HTML to WordPress which changed a lot of the old page URLs and was causing 404 errors from Google and other external links to the old urls. The way it works is you set up a redirect for each page you want redirected, entering in the original URL and the one you want it to redirect to.

    If you did do all that, then it may be an issue coming from outside of WordPress. Double check what you did in 301 Redirect and if you did manually set up the redirect for the page you’re using to test on properly in there, then try contacting your host’s tech support team and see if they can help you troubleshoot what’s causing the redirect issue.

    Thread Starter mario38


    For what I can tell, the redirection works. It is the URL that does not work.

    When I enter https://www.siteb.com/page I get an error.

    Either entering the page directly or via an indirection, the same error occurs.

    My background is programming in HTML. WordPress is very different.

    In HTML, there exists a file called “page”. This is the file that is accessed when I enter https://www.siteB.com/page.

    With WordPress (or I should say PHP), there is no file called “page”. So it is difficult to debug since I do not see the file “page” anywhere.

    Do you own the domain you’re subbing “siteB” for here? If not, then that might be your problem. Now I know you have an HTML background I expect you also have some experience managing DNS records as well?

    If so, try seeing if you can set up a CName record for your “siteB” domain that points your “siteA/B…” URLs to it. Again, though, for this to work, you will need to own your “siteB” domain, you can’t just use 301 redirects to claim any domain name you want to after all.

    Thread Starter mario38


    Yes, I own siteB.
    I have used it for years to point to the subdomain located at siteA.com/B
    This is a website created using HTML
    What I want now is for it to point to siteA.com/B2
    B2 was created using WordPress.

    Thread Starter mario38


    I decided to start from scratch.

    1. Created a new install of WordPress.
    2. WordPress was installed in this directory: https://www.siteA.com/C
    3. Created a quick three page website.
    4. Using Cpanel, I pointed subdomain https://www.siteB.com to https://www.siteA.com/C
    5. Tested the website and every page displays as such:
    https://www.siteA.com/C/page1 https://www.siteA.com/C/page2 https://www.siteA.com/C/page3
    6. Changed Settings General to update Site URL to https://www.siteB.com.
    7. Visted the new website. Home page displays OK but every other page produces a 500 Interval Server Error.

    This is with a fresh install of WordPress without any plugins.

    The error code 500 could be coming from a server issue. Try contacting your host and see if they can help you with that. If that brings any new info to light, but does not fully solve the problem, feel free to post what you learned here and maybe we’ll be able to make some sense of it in light of that new info.

    Thread Starter mario38


    I spoke with someone at tech support from the hosting company. They do not see any problem from their end. When I described the problem, they thought it was a malformed URL generated by WordPress that may be the cause of the error.

    I find it interesting I can recreate the problem with a fresh install of WordPress and only a couple of well established commands.

    I think the problem may be related to the fact I am trying to do something very few people have tried to do. That is, have a domain point to a WordPress website installed on a subdomain of another domain.

    Is there anyone out there who has successfully implemented the same scenario?

    I use wordpress in subdomains regularly as a way of creating development domains when working on projects for clients. I just use the format subdomain.maindomain.com though.

    What you’re describing is something you may have to do at the DNS level, or in your .htaccess file, to set up a 301 redirect for all pages. With the way WordPress is coded, that may or may not work. This is not something I’ve tried with a WordPress site.

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