Hello! Thanks for reaching out about your site’s webhooks not firing. There are a number of reasons webhooks might not fire. The best place to start is by looking into the site’s configuration. Can you share the site’s System Status Report, please? This will give us some insight into how the server, site, theme, and plugins are configured. It should help us find a direction to look in to help resolve this issue. You can find it via WooCommerce → Status:
Screenshot: https://d.pr/i/Rfv2jn
Select the purple Get system report button (shown above) and then the purple Copy for support button (shown below).? This will copy the status report to your device’s clipboard. Please paste it into this thread.
Screenshot: https://d.pr/i/2S3Dgv
I would also ask you to review the linked blog post, below. It is a couple of years old but the information still holds up for the testing it refers to. Please check this and test the webhooks as described in that article. Please provide the results of that testing with the Status Report shared. I hope this helps!
Take care!