• There is an issue with translations and tabs within the survey.
    For example, in es_MX the “Emails” tab was translated but I can’t access the tab, the URL appears as “/admin.php?page=mlw_quiz_options&quiz_id=2&tab=”
    If you will notice, “&tab=” comes without an argument, I don’t know if that is also being translated and it doesn’t come out because it is in es_MX = “Correos electrónicos” its translation.
    It also happens with the eyelashes:
    – Results page
    – Emails

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  • Hi @abramoca,

    Please give me some time so that I can discuss regarding your query with the developers. I will keep you posted as soon as I hear back from them.

    Kind regards


    I am able to translate the Emails tab text into Correos electrónicos and it is working properly.

    I am using loco translate plugin for translation.

    The email tab is working properly after translation.

    The admin URL is correct, the tab argument is not empty. It is showing tab=correos-electrónicos


    The following is a screen-cast of my test.


    1) Please check in Settings -> General -> Site Language, they should be using the language Espa?ol de México.

    2) Please clear any cache plugin’s cache content and browser history, so as to allow updated content to load in browser.


    I am seeing that it is not the free plugin, do the test with only the free plugin. Yesterday I translated those errors so that they remain as “Correos” and “Resultados”, that is, they are a single word for the URL of the tab.

    With that it could be solved, I hope and there are no problems later with the WordPress translations.

    I have the same problem with russian language
    Link on tab goes like this – ../wp-admin/admin.php?page=mlw_quiz_options&quiz_id=90&tab

    but if i add manually =Настройки then works fine, like this

    Exactly, what I see is that the URLs are also translated and that would not have to be done, because if there is an accent or symbol in a language that the browser does not understand there would be problems

    Hi there,

    Please allow me some time to discuss it with the developer. Please expect a little delay in response as it is weekend.

    Kind regards,

    Hi Abramoca,

    Please note that QSM main plugin doesn’t incur charges to our customers. We only charge for Proaddons, and our developer is also using the core plugin which is free to use with the Pro addons installedon his staging.

    So it doesn’t affect the functionality of the core plugin.

    Please check and let me know.

    Kind regards,

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