If you need support, you can either:
(1) Create a new ticket here on Support; or
(2) Create a Issue on GitHub: https://github.com/loureirorg/wordpress-plugin-export-usersFor suggestions, prefer to post here:
https://github.com/loureirorg/wordpress-plugin-export-users/issues/new?assignees=loureirorg&labels=enhancement&template=feature_request.md&title=%5BSuggestion%5DFor bugs, prefer to post here:
https://github.com/loureirorg/wordpress-plugin-export-users/issues/new?assignees=loureirorg&labels=bug&template=bug_report.md&title=%5BBug+Report%5DIt can take up to 15 days to reply to you. Sometimes even more. Because of my daytime job and personal projects I’m involved with, I can only ?look at the support tickets in my spare time – usually every other weekend. Even the simpler questions take me at least 30 minutes to read, analyze, and reply.
Sorry in advance for the long time to get replied, I wish I could do more but unfortunately, that’s the best I can do for now.
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