Hi @ronr1999
I was about to customize the code for this exact same purpouse, when I stumbled upon this support thread. It would be great if you could explain a little bit better why you changed the query to update WordPress database the way you did.
I don’t know much about WordPress, but looking at the wp_post SQL table in WordPress database, it seems that for each entry in this table (be it post, product or any other custom taxonomy), there are 4 dates:
> post_date
> post_date_gmt
> post_modified
> post_modified_gmt
You showed in your message that you changed “post_modified” to “post_date” in order for the plugin to work on Woocommerce products. But wouldn’t it make more sense to update all 4 dates at the same time?
Also, why change the “post_date”? Isn’t it the original publishing date of the post (in this case, product)? Since we are updating existing posts isn’t it more “natural” to let publish date “as is” and update only post_modified and post_modified_gmt dates, as per original plugin code?
Thank you in advance for any additional info!