Hi @msilvertant,
I’m very concerned with the issues you are reporting. I’ve tried to get each grouped number individually to be an uplink, but there was a bug with increments, and we resigned to release an urgent, upcoming fix restoring the arrow setting.
I’m sorry that the arrows were so good and I removed them, but as you are pointing out, the redundancy was mainly in having the symbols in an extra column while the numbers were doing nothing (beside showing up). Using the numbers as backlinks was what resulted from a blog of mine first overlaying a semi-transparent ▲ on the numbers, and removing the ▲ symbols outright when a correspondent suggested doing so.
Whatever option is retained, one new style rule is that when a post is printed to a file and/or on paper to bring out some copies, the layout is without added arrows, just as we’re used to seeing footnotes.
For combined footnotes there will hopefully be a solution while personally I agree too that combining notes make for a bad UX. Why so?
- Combined notes are too many buttons grouped together, assuming that each backlink works as intended. The
way the reader can remember the number or letter and click on the right one when using a mouse. Not so on mobile, where these clusters are grouping numbers to close to each other (I’ve tried it out today but on a laptop). Yet remember: we should provide mobile-first design.
- Many combined notes in a post are sort of monotone. Some added value to each note would be great, such as a page number, a figure reference, or quite a bit of quotation. That’s how I try to make each footnote unique. Beside that, I’ve disabled grouping like you did. One flaw I’d fix is to have the setting in the first place and enabled by default. I’d rather disable it by default (that’s what it is in the upcoming v2.0.4). The checkbox could also be at the end of the Reference container settings or in Other settings.
But we need to support the feature working, so I’m sorry we’re not yet there.
As @markcheret pointed out, there were many issues and fortunately some of them are now fixed, sadly not all, while I think, too, that we need this plugin.
This reply was modified 4 years, 4 months ago by