These are the same changes as before, but applied to the title and not the text.
To get this working in the slider title, navigate to wp-content/plugins/terra-themes-tools/inc/slider/terra-themes-slider.php.
Find the two lines that say
$output .= '<' . $title_tag . ' class="header-image-heading">' . esc_html($title) . '</' . $title_tag . '>';
and change it to
$output .= '<' . $title_tag . ' class="header-image-heading">' . wp_kses_post($title) . '</' . $title_tag . '>';
Then navigate to wp-content/plugins/terra-themes-tools/inc/metaboxes/slides-metabox.php.
Find the line with
$title = isset( $_POST['terra_themes_tools_title'] ) ? sanitize_text_field($_POST['terra_themes_tools_title']) : false;
and change it to
$title = isset( $_POST['terra_themes_tools_title'] ) ? wp_kses_post($_POST['terra_themes_tools_title']) : false;
Be aware that you will loose this change when you update the plugin.