Hello @peeyush79jpr
Thank you for your inquiry and I am happy to assist you with this.
As I can see, the Cloudflare is correctly set up as your website is being served from the Cloudflare.
As for the CDN paths: Cloudflare does not change the CDN paths. It’s not working like regular CDN where you need to replace the hostname with the CDN provided hostname.
Please check this screenshot which is showing that your website is being served from the CDN.
The Leverage Browser Cache is showing 4 hours for images. This means that the Browser Cache TTL is set on a Cloudflare level (4 hrs) and this means that W3TC cache control rules are overridden by Cloudflare.
In this case, you need to set the Browser Cache TTL to respect the existing header:
Existing Headers option,
1. Log into your Cloudflare account.
2. Click the Caching app.
3. Scroll down to Browser Cache TTL and select the Respect Existing Headers value.
Opcode: W3 Total Cache recognizes the PHP module, so you need to install a PHP module extension on your server for Zend opcache for example, and then you will be able to select it via W3 Total Cache. Your hosting provider should help you more with this.