Excellent, I’m quite curious to see your proposal.
– While I’m not yet very buzzy on the web-dev place I like to find all possible best practices, especially about performance, while WordPress can quickly become bloated with plugins. I found it especially a nightmare when starting ecommerce stuff since it might need a couple of plugins if you want some serious UX and modern functionalities. *Small question here : Do you think that a Woocommerce store should absolutely use a far more powerful server than normal presentation or blogging websites ?
– I am a bit in trouble to understand the good way to use your plugin about pages or even posts prefetch, or preload for who wants it. Since you plugin allows only global setup it means that we should add prefetch of (near) all pages, and let’s say that a blog posts multiple posts per week or day (who knows) it becomes unreliable to have to work that way, not mentioning that inserting ALL posts in prefetch would become even more bloated than using numerous plugins. If you could describe in more details how to use your plugin per website configuration type (blog, ecommerce) and size, this would be super helpful. >> Read more about my suggestion below for a kind one-fits-all solution.
– The reason why I especially answer here is for a feature that I was looking for when I found your plugin, and this could handle most cases without any headache. I would call it : “Prefetch links on hover”.
It’s quite simple and I believe super powerful. Whatever link the user hovers it launches a Prefetch of that page or any consistent related stuff. To make it as efficient as possible it is also usual in such cases to set a delay before sending the prefetch request. the delay should be set in milliseconds and probably between 50 and 500. Tests should be done to estimate best value.
+> code sample about it :
– https://macarthur.me/posts/best-ish-practices-for-dynamically-prefetching-and-prerendering-with-javascript while I would probably only prefetch, but prerender could be optionally nice too (?).
– https://gist.github.com/mcnamee/1daa78e7bf6271bc2107ec83444d67f5
+> these posts about nice Codes/plugins (the last one beeing probably more relevant..?) :
– https://themeisle.com/blog/instant-page-wordpress/
– https://dev.to/gijovarghese/how-i-made-wordpress-faster-with-1kb-javascript-2ne9
– https://wpspeedmatters.com/quicklink-vs-instant-page-vs-flying-pages/
And while I’m super curious about your impressive upcoming feature, I believe that this proposal could be the N°1 solution for most users since it’s super simple setup.
This reply was modified 4 years, 5 months ago by
This reply was modified 4 years, 5 months ago by