• Resolved hellotham


    After installing this plugin and creating a review, I discovered (with the help of Imagery, the creators of NextGen Gallery Pro), that the Ecommerce shopping cart feature no longer works (clicking on the shopping cart just results in spinning circles animation)

    Curiously, the shopping cart works for non-logged in users, it just has a problem for logged in WordPress users.

    Are you able to investigate on your end?

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  • Plugin Contributor contactashish13


    Can you please share the following so that we can investigate this at our end?

    • a screen recording/video of this error with the developer console of the browser enabled
    • version of WP and PHP on your install
    • a link to the page that has this error
    • confirmation that you have disabled all other plugins to check that this is not a conflict with them
    Thread Starter hellotham


    Sure – please find attached the support ticket I opened with Imagely, which has all the details you need (including test URL, site details)

    Based on that, we discovered the functionality works if user is not logged in, but does not work for logged in user.

    I tend tried disabling each plugin in turn and the only plugin that caused the issue was WP Product Review Lite.

    Theme? :
    NextGEN version? : 3.0.18

    Site Details: Output from Health Check:

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    I have enabled ecommerce on a website and followed the instructions in the setup wizard. I have created a price list for digital downloads and enabled Stripe integration. I have not enabled Print Lab integration as I understand it is not available in Australia.

    I then created a gallery and attached the digital download price list and created a page with ecommerce enabled on the gallery widget.

    However when I click on shopping cart icon in an image, I don’t get the checkout page, only a spinning icon.

    This is the page:

    Can you please advise what to do?

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 2 months ago by Yui.
    • This reply was modified 4 years, 2 months ago by Yui. Reason: redundant link(s) deleted
    Thread Starter hellotham


    The error on Javascript console when the web page hangs is:

    Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token < in JSON at position 0
        at JSON.parse (<anonymous>)
        at Object.success (galleria.nextgen_pro_lightbox.js?ver=3.3.17:272)
        at i (jquery.js?ver=1.12.4-wp:2)
        at Object.fireWith [as resolveWith] (jquery.js?ver=1.12.4-wp:2)
        at x (jquery.js?ver=1.12.4-wp:4)
        at XMLHttpRequest.c (jquery.js?ver=1.12.4-wp:4)
    • This reply was modified 4 years, 2 months ago by Yui. Reason: please use CODE button for proper formatting
    Plugin Contributor contactashish13


    The error seems to be with the nextgen gallery pro. I’m not sure how that is related to our plugin but please let us know what the people at Imagely come back with.

    Thread Starter hellotham


    Thanks. They have been able to replicate the issue so I hope they will fix the problem.

    Thread Starter hellotham


    Mark as resolved.

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