Job stuck during compressing files
Used this plugin successfully for the past few years. Starting at the end of August, it stalls during the compressing files as PclZip.
Log Level: Normal
[INFO] BackWPup job: Backup to GoDaddy folder
[INFO] Logfile is: backwpup_log_998809_2020-09-10_10-43-30.html
[INFO] Backup file is:
[10-Sep-2020 10:43:31] 1. Try to backup database …
[10-Sep-2020 10:43:32] Connected to database ct_elmh_fz1p8 on localhost
[10-Sep-2020 10:43:37] Added database dump “ct_elmh_fz1p8.sql” with 4.87 MB to backup file list
[10-Sep-2020 10:43:37] Database backup done!
[10-Sep-2020 10:43:38] 1. Trying to make a list of folders to back up …
[10-Sep-2020 10:43:49] Added “wp-config.php” to backup file list
[10-Sep-2020 10:43:49] 1111 folders to backup.
[10-Sep-2020 10:43:50] 1. Trying to create a WordPress export to XML file …
[10-Sep-2020 10:43:52] Check WP Export file …
[10-Sep-2020 10:43:52] WP Export file is a valid WXR file.
[10-Sep-2020 10:43:52] Added XML export “Elmhurst_Choral_Union.wordpress.2020-09-10.xml” with 745.99 KB to backup file list.
[10-Sep-2020 10:43:52] 1. Trying to generate a file with installed plugin names …
[10-Sep-2020 10:43:52] Added plugin list file “Elmhurst-Choral-Union.pluginlist.2020-09-10.txt” with 2.41 KB to backup file list.
[10-Sep-2020 10:43:52] 1. Trying to generate a manifest file …
[10-Sep-2020 10:43:52] Added manifest.json file with 3.44 KB to backup file list.
[10-Sep-2020 10:43:52] 1. Trying to create backup archive …
[10-Sep-2020 10:43:52] Compressing files as PclZip. Please be patient, this may take a moment.
Please go to BackWPUp -> Settings -> Logs -> Logging Level -> Debug(not translated ) if you not already set, re-run it again and send us debug log.
You can get the latest debug log file at: BackWpUp -> LogsAlso please give me a full screenshot of your job -> Files tab.
Thank you!
I changed the logging level as directed, and re-ran.
(It stalled, but you expected that.)This is reply for your first paragraph.
Did you mean BackWPup -> Logs, or BackWPup > Settings > Logs?
I do not see the a “debug log file” option to click on in either place.
I did find a Settings > Information tab that had a “Get Debug info” button.WordPress version: 5.4.2
BackWPup version: 3.7.1
PHP version: 7.3.21 (64bit)
MySQL version: 5.6.49-cll-lve
cURL version: 7.62.0
cURL SSL version: OpenSSL/1.0.2k
WP-Cron url:
Server self connect: Response Test O.K.
Document root: /home/knzaiw2qgt2r/public_html
Temp folder: /home/knzaiw2qgt2r/public_html/wp-content/uploads/backwpup-9825c1-temp/
Log folder: /home/knzaiw2qgt2r/public_html/wp-content/uploads/backwpup-9825c1-logs/
Server: Apache
Operating System: Linux
PHP SAPI: litespeed
Current PHP user: knzaiw2qgt2r
Maximum execution time: 30 seconds
BackWPup maximum script execution time: 30 seconds
Alternative WP Cron: Off
Disabled WP Cron: Off
CHMOD Dir: 0755
Server Time: 15:33
Blog Time: 10:33
Blog Timezone: America/Chicago
Blog Time offset: -5 hours
Blog language: en-US
MySQL Client encoding: utf8
PHP Memory limit: 256M
WP memory limit: 40M
WP maximum memory limit: 256M
Memory in use: 63.00 MB
Loaded PHP Extensions:: Core, PDO, Phar, Reflection, SPL, SimpleXML, bcmath, bz2, calendar, ctype, curl, date, dom, exif, fileinfo, filter, ftp, gd, gettext, gmp, hash, iconv, imagick, imap, inotify, intl, json, libxml, litespeed, mbstring, mysqli, mysqlnd, openssl, pcntl, pcre, pdo_mysql, pdo_sqlite, posix, readline, session, shmop, soap, sqlite3, standard, tokenizer, xml, xmlreader, xmlrpc, xmlwriter, zlibThis is a reply to your second paragraph:
“Also please give me a full screenshot of your job -> Files tab.”Under BackWPup> Jobs, there is no Files tab.
If you wanted the Settings> Jobs, there is no Files tab.
Could you be more specific on how to find the Files tab you’d like me to take a screenshot of?
Hello @gm999
The Files tab is here, in your BackWPUp job, please check the screenshot here: take a full screenshot of the files tab, then give it to me, you can upload all images to any cloud service then give me a link.
Thank you!
Sorry, I do not find anything that looks like your screenshot.
In each individual BackWPup job itself, options are
for Logs: view, delete, download
for Backups: delete, downloadThe Settings section is the only thing I find with tabs, which are labeled
General, Jobs, Logs, Network, API Keys, InformationIf you sent me a view of what you clicked to get to the screenshot you sent, that would help! Thanks!
okay so let do like this:in your site dashboard -> look for BackWPUp -> click on Jobs -> you see a list of your created jobs there -> hover on the job you have issue -> press Edit -> find the Files tab there, as I mentioned in the screenshot:
After that, take screenshots of the Files tab, then upload them to Dropbox or Google Drive, then give me the link.
Here’s a dropbox link to a PDF of the screenshots
Please help me tick on these following folders, then run the job again:Did so. Here’s the log:
[INFO] Log Level: Debug
[INFO] BackWPup job: Backup to GoDaddy folder; DBCHECK+DBDUMP+FILE+WPEXP+WPPLUGIN
[INFO] Runs with user: (0)
[INFO] BackWPup no automatic job start configured
[INFO] BackWPup job started manually
[INFO] PHP ver.: 7.3.21 (64bit); litespeed; Linux
[INFO] Maximum PHP script execution time is 30 seconds
[INFO] Script restart time is configured to 30 seconds
[INFO] MySQL ver.: 5.6.49-cll-lve
[INFO] Web Server: Apache
[INFO] curl ver.: 7.62.0; OpenSSL/1.0.2k
[INFO] Temp folder is: /home/knzaiw2qgt2r/public_html/wp-content/uploads/backwpup-9825c1-temp/
[INFO] Logfile is: /home/knzaiw2qgt2r/public_html/wp-content/uploads/backwpup-9825c1-logs/backwpup_log_551211_2020-09-16_10-54-56.html
[INFO] Backup file is: /home/knzaiw2qgt2r/public_html/wp-content/WPbackup/
[16-Sep-2020 10:54:56] 1. Try to backup database …
[16-Sep-2020 10:54:56] Connected to database ct_elmh_fz1p8 on localhost
[16-Sep-2020 10:54:56] Backup database table “wp_mcvxytm1xd_commentmeta” with “~0” records
[16-Sep-2020 10:54:56] Backup database table “wp_mcvxytm1xd_comments” with “~0” records
[16-Sep-2020 10:54:56] Backup database table “wp_mcvxytm1xd_gf_addon_feed” with “~5” records
[16-Sep-2020 10:54:56] Backup database table “wp_mcvxytm1xd_gf_addon_payment_callback” with “~61” records
[16-Sep-2020 10:54:56] Backup database table “wp_mcvxytm1xd_gf_addon_payment_transaction” with “~59” records
[16-Sep-2020 10:54:56] Backup database table “wp_mcvxytm1xd_gf_draft_submissions” with “~0” records
[16-Sep-2020 10:54:56] Backup database table “wp_mcvxytm1xd_gf_entry” with “~230” records
[16-Sep-2020 10:54:56] Backup database table “wp_mcvxytm1xd_gf_entry_meta” with “~2228” records
[16-Sep-2020 10:54:56] Backup database table “wp_mcvxytm1xd_gf_entry_notes” with “~188” records
[16-Sep-2020 10:54:56] Backup database table “wp_mcvxytm1xd_gf_form” with “~3” records
[16-Sep-2020 10:54:56] Backup database table “wp_mcvxytm1xd_gf_form_meta” with “~3” records
[16-Sep-2020 10:54:56] Backup database table “wp_mcvxytm1xd_gf_form_revisions” with “~0” records
[16-Sep-2020 10:54:56] Backup database table “wp_mcvxytm1xd_gf_form_view” with “~2453” records
[16-Sep-2020 10:54:56] Backup database table “wp_mcvxytm1xd_links” with “~0” records
[16-Sep-2020 10:54:57] Backup database table “wp_mcvxytm1xd_options” with “~582” records
[16-Sep-2020 10:54:59] Backup database table “wp_mcvxytm1xd_postmeta” with “~11120” records
[16-Sep-2020 10:55:00] Backup database table “wp_mcvxytm1xd_posts” with “~720” records
[16-Sep-2020 10:55:00] Backup database table “wp_mcvxytm1xd_redirection_404” with “~1355” records
[16-Sep-2020 10:55:02] Backup database table “wp_mcvxytm1xd_redirection_groups” with “~2” records
[16-Sep-2020 10:55:02] Backup database table “wp_mcvxytm1xd_redirection_items” with “~11” records
[16-Sep-2020 10:55:02] Backup database table “wp_mcvxytm1xd_redirection_logs” with “~12” records
[16-Sep-2020 10:55:02] Backup database table “wp_mcvxytm1xd_rg_form” with “~3” records
[16-Sep-2020 10:55:02] Backup database table “wp_mcvxytm1xd_rg_form_meta” with “~3” records
[16-Sep-2020 10:55:02] Backup database table “wp_mcvxytm1xd_rg_form_view” with “~1477” records
[16-Sep-2020 10:55:02] Backup database table “wp_mcvxytm1xd_rg_incomplete_submissions” with “~0” records
[16-Sep-2020 10:55:02] Backup database table “wp_mcvxytm1xd_rg_lead” with “~180” records
[16-Sep-2020 10:55:02] Backup database table “wp_mcvxytm1xd_rg_lead_detail” with “~1169” records
[16-Sep-2020 10:55:02] Backup database table “wp_mcvxytm1xd_rg_lead_detail_long” with “~0” records
[16-Sep-2020 10:55:02] Backup database table “wp_mcvxytm1xd_rg_lead_meta” with “~364” records
[16-Sep-2020 10:55:02] Backup database table “wp_mcvxytm1xd_rg_lead_notes” with “~27” records
[16-Sep-2020 10:55:02] Backup database table “wp_mcvxytm1xd_stream” with “~345” records
[16-Sep-2020 10:55:02] Backup database table “wp_mcvxytm1xd_stream_meta” with “~2215” records
[16-Sep-2020 10:55:02] Backup database table “wp_mcvxytm1xd_swp_cf” with “~2296” records
[16-Sep-2020 10:55:02] Backup database table “wp_mcvxytm1xd_swp_index” with “~2022” records
[16-Sep-2020 10:55:02] Backup database table “wp_mcvxytm1xd_swp_log” with “~476” records
[16-Sep-2020 10:55:02] Backup database table “wp_mcvxytm1xd_swp_tax” with “~0” records
[16-Sep-2020 10:55:02] Backup database table “wp_mcvxytm1xd_swp_terms” with “~2085” records
[16-Sep-2020 10:55:02] Backup database table “wp_mcvxytm1xd_term_relationships” with “~14” records
[16-Sep-2020 10:55:02] Backup database table “wp_mcvxytm1xd_term_taxonomy” with “~2” records
[16-Sep-2020 10:55:02] Backup database table “wp_mcvxytm1xd_termmeta” with “~0” records
[16-Sep-2020 10:55:02] Backup database table “wp_mcvxytm1xd_terms” with “~2” records
[16-Sep-2020 10:55:02] Backup database table “wp_mcvxytm1xd_usermeta” with “~224” records
[16-Sep-2020 10:55:02] Backup database table “wp_mcvxytm1xd_users” with “~5” records
[16-Sep-2020 10:55:02] Backup database table “wp_mcvxytm1xd_wpml_mails” with “53” records
[16-Sep-2020 10:55:03] Backup database table “wp_mcvxytm1xd_yoast_indexable” with “154” records
[16-Sep-2020 10:55:03] Backup database table “wp_mcvxytm1xd_yoast_indexable_hierarchy” with “61” records
[16-Sep-2020 10:55:03] Backup database table “wp_mcvxytm1xd_yoast_migrations” with “18” records
[16-Sep-2020 10:55:03] Backup database table “wp_mcvxytm1xd_yoast_primary_term” with “0” records
[16-Sep-2020 10:55:03] Backup database table “wp_mcvxytm1xd_yoast_seo_links” with “0” records
[16-Sep-2020 10:55:03] Backup database table “wp_mcvxytm1xd_yoast_seo_meta” with “169” records
[16-Sep-2020 10:55:03] Added database dump “ct_elmh_fz1p8.sql” with 5.06 MB to backup file list
[16-Sep-2020 10:55:03] Database backup done!
[16-Sep-2020 10:55:03] Restart after 7 seconds.
[16-Sep-2020 10:55:05] 1. Trying to make a list of folders to back up …
[16-Sep-2020 10:55:16] Added “wp-config.php” to backup file list
[16-Sep-2020 10:55:16] 1111 folders to backup.
[16-Sep-2020 10:55:16] Restart after 12 seconds.
[16-Sep-2020 10:55:18] 1. Trying to create a WordPress export to XML file …
[16-Sep-2020 10:55:19] Check WP Export file …
[16-Sep-2020 10:55:19] WP Export file is a valid WXR file.
[16-Sep-2020 10:55:19] Added XML export “Elmhurst_Choral_Union.wordpress.2020-09-16.xml” with 745.01 KB to backup file list.
[16-Sep-2020 10:55:19] 1. Trying to generate a file with installed plugin names …
[16-Sep-2020 10:55:19] Added plugin list file “Elmhurst-Choral-Union.pluginlist.2020-09-16.txt” with 2.41 KB to backup file list.
[16-Sep-2020 10:55:19] 1. Trying to generate a manifest file …
[16-Sep-2020 10:55:19] Undefined index: dbdumpdbcharset
[16-Sep-2020 10:55:19] Added manifest.json file with 3.44 KB to backup file list.
[16-Sep-2020 10:55:19] 1. Trying to create backup archive …
[16-Sep-2020 10:55:19] Compressing files as PclZip. Please be patient, this may take a moment.
[16-Sep-2020 10:55:19] Adding Extra files to Archive
[16-Sep-2020 10:55:19] Archiving Folder: /home/knzaiw2qgt2r/public_html/
[16-Sep-2020 10:55:19] Archiving Folder: /home/knzaiw2qgt2r/public_html/.errordocs/
[16-Sep-2020 10:55:19] Archiving Folder: /home/knzaiw2qgt2r/public_html/_db_backups/
[16-Sep-2020 10:55:19] Archiving Folder: /home/knzaiw2qgt2r/public_html/cgi-bin/
[16-Sep-2020 10:55:19] Archiving Folder: /home/knzaiw2qgt2r/public_html/cgi/
[16-Sep-2020 10:55:19] Archiving Folder: /home/knzaiw2qgt2r/public_html/wp-admin/
[16-Sep-2020 10:55:23] Archiving Folder: /home/knzaiw2qgt2r/public_html/wp-admin/css/
[16-Sep-2020 10:55:26] Archiving Folder: /home/knzaiw2qgt2r/public_html/wp-admin/css/colors/
[16-Sep-2020 10:55:26] Archiving Folder: /home/knzaiw2qgt2r/public_html/wp-admin/css/colors/blue/
[16-Sep-2020 10:55:26] Archiving Folder: /home/knzaiw2qgt2r/public_html/wp-admin/css/colors/coffee/
[16-Sep-2020 10:55:26] Archiving Folder: /home/knzaiw2qgt2r/public_html/wp-admin/css/colors/ectoplasm/
[16-Sep-2020 10:55:26] Archiving Folder: /home/knzaiw2qgt2r/public_html/wp-admin/css/colors/light/
[16-Sep-2020 10:55:26] Archiving Folder: /home/knzaiw2qgt2r/public_html/wp-admin/css/colors/midnight/
[16-Sep-2020 10:55:26] Archiving Folder: /home/knzaiw2qgt2r/public_html/wp-admin/css/colors/ocean/
[16-Sep-2020 10:55:26] Archiving Folder: /home/knzaiw2qgt2r/public_html/wp-admin/css/colors/sunrise/
[16-Sep-2020 10:55:26] Archiving Folder: /home/knzaiw2qgt2r/public_html/wp-admin/images/
[16-Sep-2020 10:55:28] Archiving Folder: /home/knzaiw2qgt2r/public_html/wp-admin/includes/
[16-Sep-2020 10:55:32] Archiving Folder: /home/knzaiw2qgt2r/public_html/wp-admin/js/
[16-Sep-2020 10:55:36] Archiving Folder: /home/knzaiw2qgt2r/public_html/wp-admin/js/widgets/
[16-Sep-2020 10:55:36] Archiving Folder: /home/knzaiw2qgt2r/public_html/wp-admin/maint/
[16-Sep-2020 10:55:36] Archiving Folder: /home/knzaiw2qgt2r/public_html/wp-admin/network/
[16-Sep-2020 10:55:36] Archiving Folder: /home/knzaiw2qgt2r/public_html/wp-admin/user/
[16-Sep-2020 10:55:36] Archiving Folder: /home/knzaiw2qgt2r/public_html/wp-content/
[16-Sep-2020 10:55:36] Archiving Folder: /home/knzaiw2qgt2r/public_html/wp-content/cache/
[16-Sep-2020 10:55:36] Archiving Folder: /home/knzaiw2qgt2r/public_html/wp-content/cache/blogs/
[16-Sep-2020 10:55:36] Archiving Folder: /home/knzaiw2qgt2r/public_html/wp-content/cache/meta/
[16-Sep-2020 10:55:36] Archiving Folder: /home/knzaiw2qgt2r/public_html/wp-content/cache/supercache/
[16-Sep-2020 10:55:36] Archiving Folder: /home/knzaiw2qgt2r/public_html/wp-content/cache/supercache/
[16-Sep-2020 10:55:36] Archiving Folder: /home/knzaiw2qgt2r/public_html/wp-content/cache/supercache/
[16-Sep-2020 11:01:01] WARNING: Job restarts due to inactivity for more than 5 minutes.
[16-Sep-2020 11:01:01] 2. Trying to create backup archive …
[16-Sep-2020 11:01:01] Archiving Folder: /home/knzaiw2qgt2r/public_html/wp-admin/js/
[16-Sep-2020 11:01:01] Archiving Folder: /home/knzaiw2qgt2r/public_html/wp-admin/js/widgets/
[16-Sep-2020 11:01:01] Archiving Folder: /home/knzaiw2qgt2r/public_html/wp-admin/maint/
[16-Sep-2020 11:01:01] Archiving Folder: /home/knzaiw2qgt2r/public_html/wp-admin/network/
[16-Sep-2020 11:01:01] Archiving Folder: /home/knzaiw2qgt2r/public_html/wp-admin/user/
[16-Sep-2020 11:01:01] Archiving Folder: /home/knzaiw2qgt2r/public_html/wp-content/
[16-Sep-2020 11:01:01] Archiving Folder: /home/knzaiw2qgt2r/public_html/wp-content/cache/
[16-Sep-2020 11:01:01] Archiving Folder: /home/knzaiw2qgt2r/public_html/wp-content/cache/blogs/
[16-Sep-2020 11:01:01] Archiving Folder: /home/knzaiw2qgt2r/public_html/wp-content/cache/meta/
[16-Sep-2020 11:01:01] Archiving Folder: /home/knzaiw2qgt2r/public_html/wp-content/cache/supercache/
[16-Sep-2020 11:01:01] Archiving Folder: /home/knzaiw2qgt2r/public_html/wp-content/cache/supercache/
[16-Sep-2020 11:06:59] WARNING: Job restarts due to inactivity for more than 5 minutes.
[16-Sep-2020 11:06:59] 2. Trying to create backup archive …
[16-Sep-2020 11:06:59] Archiving Folder: /home/knzaiw2qgt2r/public_html/wp-admin/js/
[16-Sep-2020 11:06:59] Archiving Folder: /home/knzaiw2qgt2r/public_html/wp-admin/js/widgets/
[16-Sep-2020 11:06:59] Archiving Folder: /home/knzaiw2qgt2r/public_html/wp-admin/maint/
[16-Sep-2020 11:06:59] Archiving Folder: /home/knzaiw2qgt2r/public_html/wp-admin/network/
[16-Sep-2020 11:06:59] Archiving Folder: /home/knzaiw2qgt2r/public_html/wp-admin/user/
[16-Sep-2020 11:06:59] Archiving Folder: /home/knzaiw2qgt2r/public_html/wp-content/
[16-Sep-2020 11:06:59] Archiving Folder: /home/knzaiw2qgt2r/public_html/wp-content/cache/
[16-Sep-2020 11:06:59] Archiving Folder: /home/knzaiw2qgt2r/public_html/wp-content/cache/blogs/
[16-Sep-2020 11:06:59] Archiving Folder: /home/knzaiw2qgt2r/public_html/wp-content/cache/meta/
[16-Sep-2020 11:06:59] Archiving Folder: /home/knzaiw2qgt2r/public_html/wp-content/cache/supercache/
[16-Sep-2020 11:06:59] Archiving Folder: /home/knzaiw2qgt2r/public_html/wp-content/cache/supercache/
[16-Sep-2020 11:12:32] WARNING: Job restarts due to inactivity for more than 5 minutes.
[16-Sep-2020 11:12:32] 2. Trying to create backup archive …
[16-Sep-2020 11:12:33] Archiving Folder: /home/knzaiw2qgt2r/public_html/wp-admin/js/
[16-Sep-2020 11:12:33] Archiving Folder: /home/knzaiw2qgt2r/public_html/wp-admin/js/widgets/
[16-Sep-2020 11:12:33] Archiving Folder: /home/knzaiw2qgt2r/public_html/wp-admin/maint/
[16-Sep-2020 11:12:33] Archiving Folder: /home/knzaiw2qgt2r/public_html/wp-admin/network/
[16-Sep-2020 11:12:33] Archiving Folder: /home/knzaiw2qgt2r/public_html/wp-admin/user/
[16-Sep-2020 11:12:33] Archiving Folder: /home/knzaiw2qgt2r/public_html/wp-content/
[16-Sep-2020 11:12:33] Archiving Folder: /home/knzaiw2qgt2r/public_html/wp-content/cache/
[16-Sep-2020 11:12:33] Archiving Folder: /home/knzaiw2qgt2r/public_html/wp-content/cache/blogs/
[16-Sep-2020 11:12:33] Archiving Folder: /home/knzaiw2qgt2r/public_html/wp-content/cache/meta/
[16-Sep-2020 11:12:33] Archiving Folder: /home/knzaiw2qgt2r/public_html/wp-content/cache/supercache/
[16-Sep-2020 11:12:33] Archiving Folder: /home/knzaiw2qgt2r/public_html/wp-content/cache/supercache/
[16-Sep-2020 11:18:00] WARNING: Job restarts due to inactivity for more than 5 minutes.
[16-Sep-2020 11:18:00] 3. Trying to create backup archive …
[16-Sep-2020 11:18:01] Archiving Folder: /home/knzaiw2qgt2r/public_html/wp-admin/js/
[16-Sep-2020 11:18:01] Archiving Folder: /home/knzaiw2qgt2r/public_html/wp-admin/js/widgets/
[16-Sep-2020 11:18:01] Archiving Folder: /home/knzaiw2qgt2r/public_html/wp-admin/maint/
[16-Sep-2020 11:18:01] Archiving Folder: /home/knzaiw2qgt2r/public_html/wp-admin/network/
[16-Sep-2020 11:18:01] Archiving Folder: /home/knzaiw2qgt2r/public_html/wp-admin/user/
[16-Sep-2020 11:18:01] Archiving Folder: /home/knzaiw2qgt2r/public_html/wp-content/
[16-Sep-2020 11:18:01] Archiving Folder: /home/knzaiw2qgt2r/public_html/wp-content/cache/
[16-Sep-2020 11:18:01] Archiving Folder: /home/knzaiw2qgt2r/public_html/wp-content/cache/blogs/
[16-Sep-2020 11:18:01] Archiving Folder: /home/knzaiw2qgt2r/public_html/wp-content/cache/meta/
[16-Sep-2020 11:18:02] Archiving Folder: /home/knzaiw2qgt2r/public_html/wp-content/cache/supercache/
[16-Sep-2020 11:18:02] Archiving Folder: /home/knzaiw2qgt2r/public_html/wp-content/cache/supercache/
[16-Sep-2020 11:23:34] WARNING: Job restarts due to inactivity for more than 5 minutes.
[16-Sep-2020 11:23:34] ERROR: Step aborted: too many attempts!
[16-Sep-2020 11:23:35] 1. Trying to check database …
[16-Sep-2020 11:23:35] Result of table check for wp_mcvxytm1xd_commentmeta is: OK
[16-Sep-2020 11:23:35] Result of table check for wp_mcvxytm1xd_comments is: OK
[16-Sep-2020 11:23:35] Result of table check for wp_mcvxytm1xd_gf_addon_feed is: OK
[16-Sep-2020 11:23:35] Result of table check for wp_mcvxytm1xd_gf_addon_payment_callback is: OK
[16-Sep-2020 11:23:35] Result of table check for wp_mcvxytm1xd_gf_addon_payment_transaction is: OK
[16-Sep-2020 11:23:35] Result of table check for wp_mcvxytm1xd_gf_draft_submissions is: OK
[16-Sep-2020 11:23:35] Result of table check for wp_mcvxytm1xd_gf_entry is: OK
[16-Sep-2020 11:23:35] Result of table check for wp_mcvxytm1xd_gf_entry_meta is: OK
[16-Sep-2020 11:23:35] Result of table check for wp_mcvxytm1xd_gf_entry_notes is: OK
[16-Sep-2020 11:23:35] Result of table check for wp_mcvxytm1xd_gf_form is: OK
[16-Sep-2020 11:23:35] Result of table check for wp_mcvxytm1xd_gf_form_meta is: OK
[16-Sep-2020 11:23:35] Result of table check for wp_mcvxytm1xd_gf_form_revisions is: OK
[16-Sep-2020 11:23:35] Result of table check for wp_mcvxytm1xd_gf_form_view is: OK
[16-Sep-2020 11:23:35] Result of table check for wp_mcvxytm1xd_links is: OK
[16-Sep-2020 11:23:35] Result of table check for wp_mcvxytm1xd_options is: OK
[16-Sep-2020 11:23:35] Result of table check for wp_mcvxytm1xd_postmeta is: OK
[16-Sep-2020 11:23:35] Result of table check for wp_mcvxytm1xd_posts is: OK
[16-Sep-2020 11:23:35] Result of table check for wp_mcvxytm1xd_redirection_404 is: OK
[16-Sep-2020 11:23:35] Result of table check for wp_mcvxytm1xd_redirection_groups is: OK
[16-Sep-2020 11:23:35] Result of table check for wp_mcvxytm1xd_redirection_items is: OK
[16-Sep-2020 11:23:35] Result of table check for wp_mcvxytm1xd_redirection_logs is: OK
[16-Sep-2020 11:23:35] An outdated add-on or custom code is attempting to access the wp_mcvxytm1xd_rg_form table which is not valid in this version of Gravity Forms. Update your add-ons and custom code to prevent loss of form data. Further details:
[16-Sep-2020 11:23:35] Result of table check for wp_mcvxytm1xd_rg_form is: OK
[16-Sep-2020 11:23:35] An outdated add-on or custom code is attempting to access the wp_mcvxytm1xd_rg_form_meta table which is not valid in this version of Gravity Forms. Update your add-ons and custom code to prevent loss of form data. Further details:
[16-Sep-2020 11:23:35] Result of table check for wp_mcvxytm1xd_rg_form_meta is: OK
[16-Sep-2020 11:23:35] An outdated add-on or custom code is attempting to access the wp_mcvxytm1xd_rg_form_view table which is not valid in this version of Gravity Forms. Update your add-ons and custom code to prevent loss of form data. Further details:
[16-Sep-2020 11:23:35] Result of table check for wp_mcvxytm1xd_rg_form_view is: OK
[16-Sep-2020 11:23:35] An outdated add-on or custom code is attempting to access the wp_mcvxytm1xd_rg_incomplete_submissions table which is not valid in this version of Gravity Forms. Update your add-ons and custom code to prevent loss of form data. Further details:
[16-Sep-2020 11:23:35] Result of table check for wp_mcvxytm1xd_rg_incomplete_submissions is: OK
[16-Sep-2020 11:23:35] An outdated add-on or custom code is attempting to access the wp_mcvxytm1xd_rg_lead table which is not valid in this version of Gravity Forms. Update your add-ons and custom code to prevent loss of form data. Further details:
[16-Sep-2020 11:23:35] Result of table check for wp_mcvxytm1xd_rg_lead is: OK
[16-Sep-2020 11:23:35] An outdated add-on or custom code is attempting to access the wp_mcvxytm1xd_rg_lead_detail table which is not valid in this version of Gravity Forms. Update your add-ons and custom code to prevent loss of form data. Further details:
[16-Sep-2020 11:23:35] Result of table check for wp_mcvxytm1xd_rg_lead_detail is: OK
[16-Sep-2020 11:23:35] An outdated add-on or custom code is attempting to access the wp_mcvxytm1xd_rg_lead_detail table which is not valid in this version of Gravity Forms. Update your add-ons and custom code to prevent loss of form data. Further details:
[16-Sep-2020 11:23:35] Result of table check for wp_mcvxytm1xd_rg_lead_detail_long is: OK
[16-Sep-2020 11:23:35] An outdated add-on or custom code is attempting to access the wp_mcvxytm1xd_rg_lead_meta table which is not valid in this version of Gravity Forms. Update your add-ons and custom code to prevent loss of form data. Further details:
an outdated add-on or custom code is attempting to access the wp_mcvxytm1xd_rg_lead_meta table which is not valid in this version of Gravity Forms. Update your add-ons and custom code to prevent loss of form data. Further details:
ah so that not caused by BackWPup, please update your Gravity From to the latest version ^^
My plugins list says
Gravity Forms, version 2.4.20
Gravity Forms Mailchimp Add-On, version 4.8
Gravity Forms PayPal Standard Add-On, version 3.4I update my plugins every time I’m prompted, so why would I get an error message?
Since the issue has not related to BackWPUp, I’m going to close the issue here.
For more information, on how to resolve the issue with Gravity Forms, I would suggest you read their documentation here: can contact Gravity Forms developers directly, since this is a paid plugin, they should provide you support.
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