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  • Plugin Author alexacrm


    Hi Debargh,

    if the image is stored as the notes attachment then it should work if you pass the notes id in (not the product id!). If you’re talking about entity images then you’d need to extract it yourself as an attribute value. The original post contains the docs reference.


    Thread Starter debargh


    Hi George,

    Thanks for the reply!

    I am following the Steak/Knives example and that is where some of the coding is not working for me. I have two pages Product(calls a product view in CRM) and Product Detail(calls a form for product in CRM).

    On the product page the below line is not pulling in the entityimage, changing it to msdyncrm_entityimage&id = {{ recordId }} is also not working. Displaying other fields as record[”] is not an issue and works fine.

    One the product detail page

    [msdyncrm_field field=”entityimage”] shows the entity image

    But below {{currentrecord.entityimage}} is pulling nothing and this is where I’m mainly confused about pulling in the attachments, the attachments are saved in AnnotationBase in CRM, msdyncrm_attachment&id={{ AnnotationId }} OR
    msdyncrm_annotationbase&id={{ AnnotationId }} is not working.

    Inside the annotationbase table annotationid is the unique id for attachments and objectid is the productid. Both the pages have entity binding as product, parameter name is ID, query string parameter value is id and empty parameter behavior is ignore, checked Set default for views.

    [msdyncrm_field field=”entityimage”]
    <h2>[msdyncrm_field field=”name”]</h2>

    [msdyncrm_form entity_name=’product’ form_name=’Product Detail’ mode=’readonly’ parameter_name=’id’ enable_layout=’true’]

    Thread Starter debargh


    Sorry about the images, posting the code again

    <i m g s r c=”/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php?action=msdyncrm_productimage&id={{ recordId }}” style=”float:left;margin-right:1rem;”> //Does not work

    [msdyncrm_field field=”entityimage”] //works fine
    <h2>[msdyncrm_field field=”name”]</h2> //works fine

    <p>< i m g s r c=”data:image/jpeg;base64,{{currentrecord.entityimage}}”></p> //Does not work

    <i m g s r c=”/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php?action=msdyncrm_attachment&id={{ AnnotationId }}”> //Does not work

    Plugin Author alexacrm


    Hi @debargh

    the action is msdyncrm_image not msdyncrm_productimage (why did you decide to use msdyncrm_productimage or msdyncrm_attachment?)

    {{currentrecord.entityimage}} won’t work because this field is not returned with <all-attributes/> in fetchxml. You need to craft a fetchxml retrieving just that image using <attribute name="entityimage" />


    Thread Starter debargh


    Hi George,

    I’m using the below code on the product page like you said but it is not showing the entityimage.

    <i m g s r c=”/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php?action=msdyncrm_image&id={{ recordId }}”>

    or do you mean to use the below code on the product detail page which is reading from a CRM product form?

    <i m g s r c=”/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php?action=msdyncrm_image&id={{ AnnotationId }}”>

    Also if I have a pdf attachment instead of a picture inside attachment (Notes area) then what would be the url code for it?

    Since [msdyncrm_field field=”entityimage”] works fine so I can atleast get the entityimage on the product detail page, I just need to get the <img src….. url to work correctly to get the image on the product page and another to get a pdf attachment on the detail page.

    Much thanks!


    Plugin Author alexacrm


    Hi @debargh

    what’s in the recordId? It’s supposed to be notes id (annotationid). Then msdyncrm_image action should work.

    Shortcode [msdyncrm_field] is deprecated. Instead, etity image can be accessed as the following:

    {% fetchxml collection="products" cache="PT30M" %}
    <fetch mapping="logical" >
      <entity name="product" >
        <attribute name="entityimage" />
          <condition attribute="productid" operator="eq" value="{{recordid}}" />
    {% endfetchxml %}
    {% set img = products.results.entities[0].entityimage %}
    <img src="data:;base64,{{img}}">

    Attachment should work the same way as the image except use msdyncrm_attachment action:
    <a href="/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php?action=msdyncrm_attachment&id={{ AnnotationId }}">


    • This reply was modified 4 years, 8 months ago by alexacrm.
    Thread Starter debargh


    Hi George,

    recordId is the productid of a product in a view, from a product view on click it is opening a product detail page for that product which is a CRM product form. The below code is what calling the form.

    I’m using the exact same line but it is not showing the attachment. Also how the Product form below is supposed to get the AnnotationId from Annotation entity in CRM, AnnotationId is an attribute of Annotation entity, objectid attribute in annotation is the productid which is the only link for that attachment to a product. AnnotationId is the unique identifier of the attachment itself. Thanks!

    <a href="/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php?action=msdyncrm_attachment&id={{ AnnotationId }}"> </a> 
    [msdyncrm_form entity_name='product' form_name='Product Detail' mode='readonly' parameter_name='id' enable_layout='true']
    • This reply was modified 4 years, 8 months ago by debargh.
    • This reply was modified 4 years, 8 months ago by debargh.
    Plugin Author alexacrm


    Hi @debargh

    product can have multiple notes, it’s a 1:N relationship. Think of it as product can have multiple images. It’s up to you how do you decide which attachment contains the main product image. For example, you can say that the first attachment is the one you’re after.

    You can also use twig function attachmentUrl.

    Note: [msdyncrm_form] is deprecated, we do discourage its use. Use {% form %} twig instead.


    • This reply was modified 4 years, 8 months ago by alexacrm.
    Thread Starter debargh


    Hi George,

    I understand <a href="{{ attachmentUrl( annotationid ) }}">Save </a> is going to get me the attachment. My question is how do I get the annotationid, from a product view or a product form. AnnotationId is not a part of Product entity in CRM, due to 1:N mapping there might be N annotationid’s for a product. Below is my code.

    First is a Product View, on clicking the ‘name’ in this below code, I am opening a Product Detail form from CRM, so where do I get the annotationid from this two page is where I’m having difficulty understanding?

    Product page

    {% set viewSettings = { entity: "product", name: "Products Posted on Oxbo Website" } %}
    {% view entity=viewSettings.entity cache="PT2H" %}
    <div class="row">
      {% for recordId, record in entityview.rows %}
      <div class="col-sm-6 col-md-4">
        <div class="card">
           <div class="card-block">
            <h4 class="card-title"><a href="{{ entityUrl( 'product', recordId ) }}">{{ record['name'].value }} </a> <small class="text-muted"> {{ record['product.productid'].formatted_value }}</small></h4>   
             {{ record['oxbo_webdescription'].formatted_value|wpautop|raw }}
            <a href="#" class="btn btn-primary">Buy for {{ record['oxbo_webaskingprice'].formatted_value }}</a>
      {% endfor %}
    {% endview %}

    The Product Detail page is:

    <style type="text/css">
    .form-horizontal .control-label {
      text-align: left;
      font-weight: bold;
    [msdyncrm_field field="entityimage"]
    <h2>[msdyncrm_field field="name"]</h2>
    [msdyncrm_form entity_name='product' form_name='Product Detail' mode='readonly' parameter_name='id' enable_layout='true']

    I took Steak Knives example to create the above two pages. Using <a href="{{ attachmentUrl( annotationid ) }}">Save </a> is giving me blank page with object not found, which makes sense because it is not getting the annotationid, if I directly type the annotaionid GUID on the url, the file attachment is getting downloaded. So how do I get the annotationid for each products and which page from the above 2 pages should I use the attachmentUrl function?

    Thanks for your help!

    Plugin Author alexacrm


    Hi @debargh

    as I mentioned before product can have multiple notes, it’s a 1:N relationship. Which one do you want? First one? Last one? All of them?

    Build a fetchxml that retrieves the required annotations for the product. You’d be looking to filter the annotation list by ObjectId and ObjectIdTypeCode.


    Thread Starter debargh


    Hi George,

    If I am linking Product to Annotation with fetch xml as below, I can get the product attributes as etc but product.annotation is not giving me the annotationid, what should be the syntax for it?

    {% fetchxml collection="product" cache="PT30M" %}
    <fetch version="1.0" output-format="xml-platform" mapping="logical" distinct="false">
      <entity name="product">
        <attribute name="oxbo_make" />
        <attribute name="name" />
        <attribute name="productid" />
        <attribute name="oxbo_webaskingprice" />
        <attribute name="entityimageid" /> 
        <order attribute="oxbo_make" descending="false" />
        <filter type="and">
          <condition attribute="statecode" operator="eq" value="0" />
          <condition attribute="oxbo_displayinweb" operator="eq" value="1" />
          <condition attribute="oxbo_sold" operator="eq" value="0" />
          <condition attribute="quantityonhand" operator="gt" value="0" />
        <link-entity name="annotation" from="objectid" to="productid" alias="aa">
          <attribute name="annotationid" /> 
          <filter type="and">
            <condition attribute="objecttypecode" operator="eq" value="1024" />
    {% endfetchxml %}
    <div class="row">
      {% for product in product.results.entities %}
      <div class="col-sm-6 col-md-4">
        <div class="card">
           <div class="card-block">
             <li><h4 class="card-title"><a href="{{ entityUrl( 'product', product.productid ) }}">{{ }} </a></li>     
             <li>{{ product.oxbo_make }}</li> 
             <li>Buy for {{ product.oxbo_webaskingprice }}</li>
             <li><a href="{{ attachmentUrl( annotationid ) }}">Save Report </a></li>
             <li>{{ product.annotationid }}</li>    
      {% endfor %}
    Plugin Author alexacrm


    Hi @debargh

    please use fetchxml builder for XrmToolBox: to run your query and see what the output is. You should be using the alias not product.


    Thread Starter debargh


    Hi George,

    I was using the alias.attribute but it wasn’t working so I ended up sending the annotationID to a product attribute in CRM using a workflow and now can use the annotationId directly within the view. This final help with the filter drop down will be great!

    If I’m creating a dropdown like below then on select I want to only show the products (attributes) based on the selected option. For ex- I’ve a product attribute name ‘market’ value = coffee in CRM. After the view loads in this page, how do I compare it with the selection below, then show rest of the attributes for that product using something like {% if selected == coffee %} equals to market attribute from the view within the for loop.

    <label for="market-select"><h3> Select a Market:</h3></label>
    <select id="market-select">
        <option value="">--Please choose an option--</option>
        <option value="berries">Berries</option>
        <option value="coffee">Coffee</option>
    {% set viewSettings = { entity: "product", name: "Products Posted on Oxbo Website" } %}
    {% view entity=viewSettings.entity cache="PT2H" %}
    <div class="row">
      {% for recordId, record in entityview.rows %}
               <h4 class="card-title"><a href="{{ entityUrl( 'product', recordId ) }}">{{ record['name'].value }} </a> </h4>
      {% endfor %}
    {% endview %}
    Plugin Author alexacrm



    I think there is some misconception how does twig work. To get selected value of a dropdown…

    It can be done on the client side in which case you’d pull the entire product list and filter the display using javascript.

    OR it can be done on the client using javascript and then retrieving the products for the selected category using web request (obviously you’d need to build the service for that).

    OR it can be done on the server when the page is built after the POST submission. POST can be explicit ie using FILTER button or something or implicit ie submit when dropdown changes. Either way you’ll be sending the control value back to the server and should be able access it in twig using params variable


    PS. If you feel that the plugin delivers the value, please leave a review at

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