• Resolved activequilibreyv



    I have a nice Popup now, and it closes ok with the customised close button thanks to your help. But now, it won’t close after submitting the form with the submit button from Sendinblue. Here’s the submit button code:

        <input type="submit" class="sib-default-btn" value="Je m'inscris, ma santé me tient à coeur!">

    And here’s my whole formular code:

    <img src="https://activequilibre.ch/wp-content/uploads/2019/03/Logo_Active?quilibre__finblanche_titreweb_550-100-72dpi.png" alt="Logo Activéquilibre" width="275" height="50" class="aligncenter size-full wp-image-1244" />
    <! -- Attention la balise h2 ci-dessous doit être modifiée avec style="margin-top: 10px" pour éviter d'avoir une marge de 50px comme avant un titre usuel. -->
    <h2 style="margin-top: 10px; margin-left: 20px"><span style="color:#305395">Envie de rester informé-e<br>pour votre santé?</span></h2>
    <p><span style="color:#305395" class="has-inline-color">Oui, je m'inscris volontiers pour recevoir des news d'Activéquilibre et profiter des bons plans.</span></p>
    <p><em><span style="color:#305395" class="has-inline-color">Je pourrai choisir à quelle fréquence je veux recevoir des infos santé utiles. Je pourrai aussi en tout temps me désinscrire si je le souhaite. </span></em></p>
        <label class="sib-email-area">Mon adresse e-mail est*</label>
        <input type="email" class="sib-email-area" name="email" required="required">
    <p style="font-size:13px">En m''inscrivant, j''accepte que mes données soient traitées selon la protection des données de la loi Suisse, du règlement européen RGPD et de la <a href="https://activequilibre.ch/politique-confidentialite-activequilibre/" target="_blank" aria-label="Politique de confidentialité Activéquilibre (opens in a new tab)" rel="noreferrer noopener" class="ek-link">Politique de confidentialité Activéquilibre</a></p>
        <input type="submit" class="sib-default-btn" value="Je m'inscris, ma santé me tient à coeur!">
    <button class="PopUpButton sg-popup-close">Non, tant pis. ?a n'est pas si important.</button>

    Can you tell me what am I missing?

    Thanks in advance!

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Dear @activequilibreyv ,

    Thanks for getting in touch with us.

    Could you, please, place the code on a test WordPress page and let us know how it works?

    Please, keep us updated.

    Thread Starter activequilibreyv


    Dear Support Team,

    I put the Sendinblue shortcode on this page: https://activequilibre.ch/Test20200710/

    It’s kind of the same behavior. The e-mail is transmited to Sendinblue all right. Since the Sendinblue validation button in the formular is an “input type=”submit”” I guess it doesn’t give the command to close itself.

    I have set my Pop Up in your system with a behavior after special event on: close, after the only event it is offering me, which is ‘Contact form 7 submission’. But my Sendinblue formular is named ‘[sibwp_form id=1]’. I don’t know what’s this Contact form 7…

    How can we bind your pop-up with the submission of the Sendinblue formular? Is there a way to ass a second action into the submit button.

    Thanks for digging into this with me!

    Hey @activequilibreyv ,
    You can try to do the following:
    1. Edit the popup and scroll at the bottom
    2. You will see the custom JS/CSS code editor
    3. Select the JS tab and insert the following:

    jQuery(document).on('submit', '.sib_signup_form', function(e) {

    Here is the screenshot as well https://prnt.sc/th48xy

    So once the subscription form submitted the popup will be closed.

    P.S. I’m sorry but seems the Sendinblue doesn’t provide us an event that will indicate the form has been successfully submitted or not so in this case the popup will be closed in any cases.

    Thread Starter activequilibreyv


    Dear Support Team,

    I’m sorry but it doesn’t work as well with this JS code. I pasted it into the JS tab

    “#3 Add the code you want to run after the popup opens. This code will work when the popup is already open on the page.”

    Another idea?

    Dear @activequilibreyv ,

    Thanks for letting us know.

    Could you, please, use the following code instead of the one you used and let us know what happens?

    jQuery(document).on(‘submit’, ‘.sib_signup_form’, function(e) {
    }, 1000);

    Thread Starter activequilibreyv


    Hi again,

    Thanks for this new idea, but unfortunately it still doesn’t work…

    Dear @activequilibreyv ,
    Sorry that it didn’t work this time as well.
    Please, try the following one this time and let us know how it goes.

    jQuery(document).on('submit', '.sib_signup_form', function(e) {
    }, 1000);
    }, 1000);
    Thread Starter activequilibreyv


    Dear Support Team,

    Still doesn’t have any effect. But I’m wondering if the script is even fired after the submission button. Is there a way to test that?


    Dear @activequilibreyv ,

    Thanks for your reply.
    We checked the popup data and weren’t able to find the code we provided you with there.

    Could you, please, make sure you’ve placed the code as mentioned here? https://prnt.sc/th48xy

    Thread Starter activequilibreyv


    Dear Support Team,

    Sorry, I’ve deleted the code after my test. Now it’s in place… Can you see that it’s executed after submission?


    Dear @activequilibreyv ,

    Thanks for doing that.

    Could you also insert the code into the custom JS fields 1 and 2 as well, besides the third one?
    Let us know how it works afterwards.

    Thread Starter activequilibreyv


    Dear Support Team,

    Still nothing with the code on every 3 first fields of the JS Tab…

    Dear @activequilibreyv ,
    Thanks for the information.

    Could you, please, contact us via Live Chat? We may ask for some information that shouldn’t be publicly available. So, we kindly ask you to contact us via Live Chat from here for the further case discussion.

    Thanks beforehand.

    Dear @activequilibreyv ,
    We haven’t heard from you for a long, also there is no news from you at our Live Chat!
    Looking forward to hearing from you soon.

    Thread Starter activequilibreyv


    Dear Support Team,

    I was busy these last days, but yesterday I sent a message through your Live Chat, following your link. And today Emily responded to it, asking the link of the thread because with the number prompted in your e-mails (copy of each response to this subject) she couldnt find this subject.

    Now I’ve given her the link to this feed but she’s currently away. ??

    Please check with her and if necessary, re-take the follow up of this problem since you already know about it…

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