• If I can judge by the disfunctional forum at VastHTML, it looks like further development of the Forum Server has been discontinued? ?? It’s pity, because it takes only a little more effort to make it a real complete and powerful forum plugin. I’m considering a switch to bbPress because of that, so please tell me that we’ll see the 1.4 version in the near future?

    There are just too many irritating bugs in 1.3, the top bug (according to my forum users) is that it does not show new messages since last visit if you haven’t logged out of WordPress inbetween.


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  • Check the orginal WP-forum that “forum server” is a copy of. It was updated 14 dec 2009.


    no its still in development, i sold Vast HTML so it has slowed down the release of the new version.

    @tommiehansen: you cant steal GPL code. /LMAO

    version 1.4 is about to be released. changes will include:

    * Added admin ability to close a topic
    * Added admin ability to move a topic
    * Fixed bug with message width on narrow theme column
    * Fixed bug with Google Analytics hiding message textarea

    we found one additional bug and are addressing it before the release

    version 1.4 has been posted, please upgrade



    I’ve instaled version 1.4 (I had the previous allready)

    Overall i’m happy with it, however it has a major flaw:

    – The notifications don’t work, they trigger a PHP error.

    I believe some of the posters above are from vastHTML, so please take note, for next releases.

    The cherry on top of the cake, whould be posting a php patch ASAP so we couls all benefict from it, before a new relaese hits the streets.



    Ah another thing.

    After spending a couple of hours customizing the new BBPress skin i’ve found that it has no WYSYWYG buttons to format the post contents!!!



    Why are you commenting on things that you don’t understand? WordPress Plugins hosted in the plugins directory “must be GPLv2 Compatible.”



    update on this issue:

    – The notifications don’t work, they trigger a PHP error.

    Still not working but the problem is in my theme, NOT the plugin.

    – no WYSYWYG buttons to format the post contents!!!

    Actually there are NO images AT ALL in the new BBpress skin distribution. I’ve Imported the images from another skin.

    Other than that it’s working fine.


    @fmacastro Post a link and I will take a look.

    I have picked up the project and cleaned up a TON of bugs. Enjoy!

    Nice try cartpaulj. ForumServer 1.5 has been released and has fixed all outstanding issues, including all incompatibilities with other plugins.


    == Changelog ==
    = 1.5 =
    * Fixed bug: Incompatibility with FireStats plugin and possibly certain other plugins, the bug also could cause a lot of database errors
    * Fixed bug: Duplicating topics due to plugin incompatibility with certain plugins
    * Fixed bug: No post body inside the topic due to plugin incompatibility with certain plugins
    * Fixed bug: BBCode content inside e-mail notifications
    * Fixed bug: Closing a topic didn’t work as expected
    * Fixed bug: sending e-mail notifications of your own replies when subscribed on topic
    * Fixed bug: When subscribing to replies on topic, a blank screen was showing up
    * “Unmake sticky” renamed to “Unstick” (for sticky topics)
    * Fixed bug: Unstick function now works
    * Fixed bug: search system now works
    * Improved search system, now it searches in topic titles and can search in both titles and content
    * Fixed bug: Email notifications were not sent in some cases
    * New placeholder for inserting forum into WordPress page: [forumServer] can be used instead of <!–VASTHTML–>

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