I dont get the test credentials to work
I am trying out the Svea Checkout plugin and when trying to activate the test mode the checkout isnt showing on the webpage.
I am trying to enter the test credentials found in https://www.svea.com/globalassets/sweden/foretag/betallosningar/e-handel/integrationspaket-logos-and-doc.-integration-test-instructions-webpay/testuppgifter-webpay-partners-.pdf but when doing so I get the following error when trying to save:
SE: Merchant-ID och/eller det hemliga ordet ?r antingen felaktiga eller s? har de inte beh?righet av Svea att g?ra en anslutning. Du kan ha r?kat l?gga in testuppgifter i produktionsl?get eller vice versa.
On the Checkout page the Svea checkout is not showing instead i get this error message:
Det verkar som om det inte finns n?gra tillg?ngliga betalningsmetoder f?r din delstat. Kontakta oss om du beh?ver hj?lp eller vill ordna alternativa ?tg?rder.
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