modified wider.css https://wordpress.pastebin.com/crZmkm2D
modified style.css https://wordpress.pastebin.com/ecpjHQxT
sidebar made wider by 60px; content made narrower by 60px;
if you have trouble adjusting the images, let us know.
Btw is there a way to include the time of post aside from date in the Sidebox?
edit functions.php, line 535, to add
"<br />".get_the_time('g:i a').
in here:
echo "<div class=\"comm_date\"><span class=\"data\"><span class=\"j\">".get_the_time('j')."</span>".get_the_time('M/y')."<br />".get_the_time('g:i a')."</span><span class=\"nr_comm\">";
change this style to make the box 10px higher (height changed to 110px):
.comm_date{background:transparent url(images/date_comm_box.png) no-repeat;height:110px;width:57px;position:absolute;text-align:center;margin:0 0 0 -72px;z-index:2;}
and edit the bg image to make the top part 10px higher as well:
date_comm_box.png https://yfrog.com/28datecommboxp