The current theme I wish to replace is called News Blue, it is not from the WordPress library of themes but is a tried and true working theme, it is nice, I like it and it was my first choice, but I have specific typographic issues with it and the one I want to replace it with has solved those. I posed the following question to members of my forum but have no solutions yet:
In attempting to delete my current theme,
1. I removed the theme folder from my File Manager > wp-content > themes.
2. Removed all the posts
3. But the empty Home page and the About pages remain with their full theme design and I need to delete those but am not sure how
4. So my question is How? Should I remove all the theme files listed in the Edit Themes section, one at a time, and then inactivate all the plug ins, or is there a more direct way?
After spending many hours unable to delete the theme or make it inactive so I can replace it with another that is a non-wordpress theme, or one of Court’s themes I have had no success. Here it is:
I cannot yet upload the replacement theme, it needs to be validated and W3 Validation won’t validate while the existing theme for the domain is still active, even though I’ve tried.
I have tried a non W3 validation program that does perform but it also adds the existing theme files as part of its procedures – that is why I wonder whether deleting them one by one as mentioned above will work.
I’ve searched and searched the internet and Codex and WordPress Support and cannot find any information that enables me to remove the theme – if I ever find out I will have to contribute one.
Any help would be appreciated, thank you.
Thanks, Jim R.