Hello @mj187 – Try confirming each of the following things:
First, confirm that you’ve actually entered your full, un-edited API key into the correct settings field in the wp-admin.
Next, head to your Google Cloud Platform Maps API management page and select the project that your API key belongs to. Using this screenshot as a reference, confirm that both Geocoding API and Maps JavaScript API show up in the In use APIs section of the project’s APIs page.
If neither is enabled, make a new API key and ensure that the new API key has both APIs enabled for it. If issues persist, contact Google’s support team by clicking the Support tab in the left-hand sidebar—they should be able to help ensure that both of these free APIs are enabled for your API key.
Finally, confirm that your venues have valid longitude and latitude data. If you created venues before adding your own custom Google Maps API key, you will need to add your custom API key and then use the “Fix venue data” button (see screenshot) in The Events Calendar’s settings to update the data and make it accurate.
Here’s our full article on it https://theeventscalendar.com/knowledgebase/k/setting-up-your-google-maps-api-key/