• https://www.kbpictures.com/blog I haven’t been able to upload a header jpg or png from my computer in any theme. The image never appears on the crop page or on the site but it is in the media folder. Providing the URL address of the same jpg or png works so I don’t think there is anything wrong with image size, type etc. I have deleted, renamed, cleared cache, uploaded again. No success.
    I’m using firefox 3.0.15


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  • The requested URL /blog/wp-content/uploads/cropped-Bloglogo6.jpg was not found on this server.

    Thread Starter kate-barden


    I don’t know what this means…
    I am trying to work with a file called header.png


    Does your theme include a custom header option in Admin/Appearance? If so, did you try uploading your header image via that?

    Thread Starter kate-barden


    I have tried many themes with the custom header option. If it asks for URL it will work but most themes ask you to browse your computer. This is what is not working for me. If I choose something on my desktop, it will not work.

    Try using the url for the image that you have already uploaded to your Media Library. You’ll find it via Admin/Media/Library. Once you have located the image in the Library, select Edit then copy the File URL.

    Thread Starter kate-barden


    There is no place to plug in that URL. It says- choose an image from your computer- and you have to browse to the file, then hit upload. This is what is not working for me but seems to be the most commonly used method.

    This is what is not working for me

    Why? What happens?

    Thread Starter kate-barden


    When I browse to the image and hit upload it takes me to a crop window and shows no image but asks me to crop. Then is says image upload complete! Visit your site to see your changes. Nothing is there. But it is now in the media folder.

    It sounds like there’s something wrong with the image that you are trying to use. Is it in rgb format?

    Thread Starter kate-barden


    Yes rgb. I don’t think it’s the image because it does show up on the rare one or two themes and ask for a URL. The exact same image.
    Problem is..any theme I am interested in using requires you to upload from the computer. I’ve also tried many other images just to be sure.

    Sorry but I’ve integrated the same (or a similar) “upload custom image” option on multiple themes and never had a single problem with it. So the issue is either with:

    – the image
    – your machine/web browser
    – your server

    I don’t think it’s a WordPress issue.



    I do think it’s a WordPress issue.

    I have used all the same images, that used to work and no longer do, using Custom Header fro my blog: https://www.daisybrain.wordpress.com. My Theme is Contempt, and it allegedly supports Custom Headers.

    My problem is described exactly as Kate describes her problem, but additionally, I’ve noticed that once I try to upload & I click “crop” (although there’s no image there) and it takes me back to the Custom Header page that now shows no image, it will NOT let me change text color, as it used to.

    So, obviously, it’s a WordPress problem, since nothing on my end has changed: Same Computer, Same Browser, Same Images, Same Procedure.

    Same thing has now happened to me. I know that the file was working before. However, I accidentally messed something up with my account, but my webhosting company managed to upload all the files again from a backup, and everything looks the same, except for the image. When I try to re-upload the image for the computer it is not working, just as Kate mentioned, you get to crop image, but there is no image to crop. I have tired different computers, saved the image in different file formated etc, but I don’t seam to be able to upload a custom pic anymore?! Is there anyone that can help me?

    Thank You!

    @lamammor: Please post a new topic. Your problem has nothing to do with this topic.

    Ok, i though it did, but I will make a new post. Thank you.

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