Hi Karl,
I see it ‘fixed’ it by itself ?? The counter has mostly to do with the transient that is stored. After adding a new message or waiting a day it gets remade.
Admin CSS is a setting under Guestbook > Settings > Reading-tab.
After importing the user-id’s are not carried over for each entry. This is because user IDs are not always the same across each website. But it can be a good idea to add this to export/import, based on user-id and user-email/author-email.
There is no interface to change the author ID of an entry. It can only be done in the database directly. Often this is not advisable. If you do dare to go this way, make sure to make a backup before changing the database.
I see the theme has no good support for button styling. You could add this PHP code to your website:
function my_gwolle_gb_button_class( $classes ) {
// $classes is a string
$classes .= ' orangebtn'; // Add to it or use str_replace. Mind the space.
return $classes;
add_filter( 'gwolle_gb_button_class', 'my_gwolle_gb_button_class', 10, 1 );
Does that help?