Thanks Marko! Two days passed and it works without problems. But it throws this error at me all the time:
PHP Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent in /public_html/wp-content/plugins/w3-total-cache/Mobile_Referrer.php on line 35
Compatibility Check reports this:
Server Modules & Resources:
Plugin Version: 0.13.3
PHP Version: 7.3.17;
Web Server: nginx
FTP functions: Installed
Multibyte String support: Installed
cURL extension: Installed
zlib extension: Installed
brotli extension: Installed
Opcode cache: Installed (OPCache)
Memcached extension: Installed
Memcache extension: Installed
Redis extension: Not installed
HTML Tidy extension: Installed
Mime type detection: Installed
Hash function: Installed
Open basedir: On: /home/mysite/web/
zlib output compression: Off
set_time_limit: Available
SSH2 extension: Not installed
WordPress Resources
/home/mysite/web/ OK
/home/mysite/web/ OK
/home/mysite/web/ OK
Fancy permalinks: /%postname%/
WP_CACHE define: Defined (true)
URL rewrite: Enabled
Network mode: No
What could be the problem?