• I want to add free shipping if a particular product is in the shopping cart. I’ve got a method that works if it’s the only item in the cart but it doesn’t work as soon as I add something else to the cart. The product contains the shipping class free-shipping.

    How do I get free shipping to work even if I add other items to the cart?

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  • Stef


    Don’t use a class to apply Free Shipping to anything. Simply go to your Shipping Zone and create a Free Shipping method. Select Free Shipping and use either N/A or a specific dollar amount. Simple as that.

    Thread Starter tommyd17


    Hi Stef,
    thanks for your reply, but I think you got me wrong.
    In my shop I am offering free shipping over 50€ (via shipping method)
    And I have several products (value ~ 30€) where I want to offer free shipping as well (these are starter packs to test the products).
    When a customer adds those starter packs and also adds a “normal” product and is below 50€ total the standard shipping fee is applied.

    Can this be done in Woocommerce to set free shipping if a starter pack is in the cart?

    Thanks again!



    Yes, this is possible. However, you’re going to have to write some code after in order to hide the Free Shipping once the Sample has been added. Otherwise by default the Free Shipping will show and so will the shipping class fee.

    Let’s start with the easy part.

    1. First, let’s go to the Shipping tab and select Shipping Classes. Create a class called “Sample Products” or whatever. See screenshot for adding shipping class “product sample” https://imgur.com/y8RmVud

    2. Now go back to your Zone and let’s create Free Shipping & Flat Rate or whatever you’re using to ship with. I’m using Flat Rate for an example because I don’t have any carriers connected to this example site So use the equivalent to our USPS, whatever and add that.

    Free Shipping – https://imgur.com/418Vntc
    Flat Rate – https://imgur.com/k1Vi9EH

    At the end you should have these two in your zone

    View post on imgur.com

    Get there and see how that works. I’ll help you with hiding Free Shipping if a class product has been added after.

    Thread Starter tommyd17



    I added the shipping class “starterpaket-gratisversand” for free shipping for the sample products: https://imgur.com/C3mw7cY

    I added flatrate and free shipping (one for >50€ and one for free shipping in coupons) in the zone: https://imgur.com/SFTbTQB

    Here is what I wrote in the flat rate: https://imgur.com/UTPPnWD

    If I add the products with the shipping class “starterpaket-gratisversand” to the cart no shipping is charged. But if I add another product flat rate is charged.

    You can try it here:
    – Product with free shipping: https://www.goldtheke.net/produkt/starterpaket-gross/
    – Product with no free shipping: https://www.goldtheke.net/produkt/snack-nussmischung/

    If you now add both to the cart the flat rate is charged, but a product with shipping class “starterpaket-gratisversand” is in the cart?

    Do you have a custom code for this? Thanks for your help!



    Sorry, your screenshots appear to be blurry, so it’s hard to tell what you did.

    Just so I understand correctly. You’re wanting to charge for the sample correct?

    Thread Starter tommyd17


    Okay so here the screenshots again:

    I added the shipping class “starterpaket-gratisversand” for free shipping for the sample products: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Tc4-1nKPsIMH3U8dzZtiMKqxrj4yQz9a/view?usp=sharing

    I added flatrate and free shipping (one for >50€ and one for free shipping in coupons) in the zone: https://drive.google.com/file/d/143xSCQgUvp4l22Drr5oFd5s8GLNFi5Hj/view?usp=sharing

    Here is what I wrote in the flat rate: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1wW4MxWSnDzVe6zORCUJZI-PIA8qpyQpM/view?usp=sharing

    And concerning your question: No, I want to charge if the sample is NOT in the cart & if the order value is below 50€
    If the sample is in the cart the shipping should be free.

    Hope you can help! Thanks



    Thank you. Much better.

    Still, the way I showed you is correct you just need to reverse it. Set it as Free Shipping rather than a price.

    Thread Starter tommyd17


    I’m sorry I don’t get it.

    So in the flat rate settings I set the cost for the shipping class (which I want to be 0€?) And I apply this shipping class to my sample products?

    Maybe to clarify an example of how it is at the moment and how I want it to be:

    How it is now (with the settings provided in my screenshot):
    Example 1: Cart:
    1x “Starterpaket gro?” (Product with shipping class “starterpaket-gratisversand”)
    = 30 € total
    +0 € Shipping

    Example 2: Cart:
    1x “Starterpaket gro?” (Product with shipping class “starterpaket-gratisversand”)
    1x “Studentenfutter” (Product with no shipping class)
    =35€ total
    +6€ shipping (here the shipping should be 0)

    How I want it to be:
    Example 2:
    1x “Starterpaket gro?” (Product with shipping class “starterpaket-gratisversand”)
    1x “Studentenfutter” (Product with no shipping class)
    =35€ total
    +0€ shipping

    I hope this helps, sorry if I dont get it instantly…

    Thread Starter tommyd17


    Hey @serafinnyc,

    do you have any more infos for me how to make this work?
    would be really great!

    Thread Starter tommyd17


    Hi @serafinnyc, did you find a solution for this?

    Is there a solution for this ?

    Thread Starter tommyd17


    Hey – I added a plugin for this:

    All the best!

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