I’m in the middle of developing a plugin for myself to use to help integrate WP with Picasa. I want to see how useful others may find it.
This is basically how it would work:
1. Export Picasa Photo album with the XML option
2. Upload that folder (via ftp) to a user specified folder in the wp-content folder
3. Go to Manage -> Picasa in your WP admin where the uploaded albums are listed.
4. Click on an album which creates a post that you can add content to, write about it, and publish it.
Each album will be a single post, not each photo. I’m building in some configurable options that I would use such as being able to choose a custom template for posts that are Picasa albums.
This plugin will only be useful to those who can access ftp to upload folders to their server, otherwise I haven’t found a way to upload complete directories via a html/broswer interface.
I have written the script that parses the xml and creates posts from uploaded folders but haven’t created the gallery viewing portion.
If it sounds useful to you and there are some certain features that you think would be nice email me at [email protected].