Hi @ionutbadiu,
For both errors, you will need to be sure the FB Pages are Business Pages and that you have Admin Privileges for each. Due to their most recent API / Privacy Policy, FB no longer allows access to Personal Pages, Group Pages, Community Pages etc.
This should remedy the issues. But, if they are Business pages, you have Admin Privileges and you are still getting errors…
The #100 error is a fun one (actually, not fun)
This Facebook 100 error is a new error and oddly/slightly different from the old FB 100 error fix prior. We are trying to isolate the issue, but are finding different fixes for different users.
*As always, you should be running the latest version of the Feed Them Social plugin(s) as well as having Admin Privileges to the Public FB Business Page you are wishing to display. Make sure it’s public
Our previous fix was to re-fetch the access token:
1). You may need to re-fetch an access token from the page you are trying to display. Clear the old token out and save the page before trying to re-fetch the new access token just in case. To set it, go to the Facebook options page under the Feed Them tab when logged into your WordPress dashboard. NOTE: You must have access to a Facebook account that has admin privileges to the Page you are trying to display. Be sure to click the green ‘Save All Changes’ button before moving on to generate a new shortcode. After you have copy/pasted your shortcode to your desired location, remove the entire Access Token from the shortcode, (including Access_token=). Then update/publish your page.
Be sure to clear the cache after doing so by clicking to Feed Them tab > Settings > Global Options > Clear cache
The above fix has worked for some, but not others.
2). Another fix is to upgrade your PHP. If you could please contact your hosting provider to update, that may resolve the issue.
3). If you are running Firefox, they recently pushed the optional Facebook Container extension across the platform. This will need to be disabled for your access token/shortcode to be displayed. You can do that by going to Firefox > Tools > Add-ons > Extensions
Of course, you can also try another browser as well.
If all of the above troubleshooting steps did not address your issue (as well as removing SlickRemix from your personal FB Settings > Business Integrations and trying again), then it’s possible that another plugin or theme is interfering.
4). Try deactivating all other plugins besides the Feed Them Social plugins temporarily. Then test to see if it works. If this works, try reactivating them, one by one, to see which one is causing the issue.
5). If deactivating all plugins doesn’t help the issue try switching themes to one of the default WordPress themes then look at the page (this can be done under the Appearance tab of your install). It’s possible the theme is causing errors.
Let us know how it goes,