• is there any way to choose your own thumbnails or have the code search for a specific tag in the image so that it only accepts that image as a thumbnail?

    additionally the plugin seems to search only in the content of the post (which is the most likely place) but i have a couple pages which use separate templates with images that are useful which are technically not in the content section…



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  • For the time being, my plugin uses the very first image it finds in your posts to create its thumbnail. There is, however, a small hack you can use!

    If you know how to use custom fields, this hack can be of help:

    Using a text editor of your choice, open wordpress-popular-posts.php and around line 244 you’ll find this code:

    if ($this->options_holder[$summoner]['thumbnail']['show'] ) {
          // let's try to retrieve the first image of the current post
          $img = $this->get_img($wppost->ID);
          if ( (!$img || empty($img)) || !$this->GD ) {
           $thumb = "";
          } else {
           $thumb = "<a href=\"".get_permalink($wppost->ID)."\" title=\"". htmlspecialchars(stripslashes($tit)) ."\"><img src=\"". get_bloginfo('url') . "/" . PLUGINDIR . "/wordpress-popular-posts/scripts/timthumb.php?src=". $img[1] ."&h=".$this->options_holder[$summoner]['thumbnail']['height']."&w=".$this->options_holder[$summoner]['thumbnail']['width']."&zc=1\" alt=\"".$wppost->post_title."\" border=\"0\" class=\"wpp-thumbnail\" "."/></a>";

    … change it to:

    if ($this->options_holder[$summoner]['thumbnail']['show'] ) {
          // let's try to retrieve the first image of the current post
          $img = get_post_meta($wppost->ID, 'key_1', true);
          if (empty($img)) {
           $thumb = "";
          } else {
           $thumb = "<a href=\"".get_permalink($wppost->ID)."\" title=\"". htmlspecialchars(stripslashes($tit)) ."\"><img src=\"".$img."\" alt=\"".$wppost->post_title."\" border=\"0\" class=\"wpp-thumbnail\" "."/></a>";

    … where ‘key_1’ ( get_post_meta($wppost->ID, ‘key_1’, true); ) is the name of the custom field that stores the path to the image you want to use.

    Give it a try and let me know the results.

    Thread Starter masterbassie


    that didn’t work for me or rather that only looks for the custom field img and not the first image. so i piecemealed it together to form the code below. It’s not very pretty but it works. I also included a default picture if no pic is available.

    if ($this->options_holder[$summoner]['thumbnail']['show'] ) {
           // let's try to retrieve the first image of the current post
          $imgdirectory = get_bloginfo('template_directory') .'/images';
          $customimg = get_post_meta($wppost->ID, 'Image', true);
           if ($customimg != '') {
            $img = $imgdirectory .'/lessons/' . $customimg;
            $thumb = "<a href=\"".get_permalink($wppost->ID)."\" title=\"". htmlspecialchars(stripslashes($tit)) ."\"><img src=\"". get_bloginfo('url') . "/" . PLUGINDIR . "/wordpress-popular-posts/scripts/timthumb.php?src=". $img ."&h=".$this->options_holder[$summoner]['thumbnail']['height']."&w=".$this->options_holder[$summoner]['thumbnail']['width']."&zc=1\" alt=\"".$wppost->post_title."\" border=\"0\" class=\"wpp-thumbnail\" "."/></a>";
    } else {
          $img = $this->get_img($wppost->ID);
          if ( (!$img || empty($img)) || !$this->GD ) {
           $thumb = "<a href=\"".get_permalink($wppost->ID)."\" title=\"". htmlspecialchars(stripslashes($tit)) ."\"><img src=\"". get_bloginfo('url') . "/" . PLUGINDIR . "/wordpress-popular-posts/scripts/timthumb.php?src=". $imgdirectory ."/ils-small-square.png&h=".$this->options_holder[$summoner]['thumbnail']['height']."&w=".$this->options_holder[$summoner]['thumbnail']['width']."&zc=1\" alt=\"".$wppost->post_title."\" border=\"0\" class=\"wpp-thumbnail\" "."/></a>";
          } else {
           $thumb = "<a href=\"".get_permalink($wppost->ID)."\" title=\"". htmlspecialchars(stripslashes($tit)) ."\"><img src=\"". get_bloginfo('url') . "/" . PLUGINDIR . "/wordpress-popular-posts/scripts/timthumb.php?src=". $img[1] ."&h=".$this->options_holder[$summoner]['thumbnail']['height']."&w=".$this->options_holder[$summoner]['thumbnail']['width']."&zc=1\" alt=\"".$wppost->post_title."\" border=\"0\" class=\"wpp-thumbnail\" "."/></a>";

    Another problem i found is that a post (which has no other images) with an embedded imeem player is mistaken as an image and then returned as a thumbnail. is there any code to extract only the common image files: jpg, png, gif?

    thanks for your help

    Well, my plugin looks for <img /> tags in your content via pregmatch. It should be simple to filter out those images that are not jpg, png, etc.

    I don’t know the imeem player, how does it work exactly? Is it a flash object?

    Thread Starter masterbassie


    you can see it here

    its an embedded flash music player from imeem.com the music sharing service.

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