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  • Hi @lordmente

    Sidebar on your site is loaded or generated via your theme. I would suggest you to disable sidebar from the theme settings. Some themes has option to disable sidebar on single post page those sidebar is loaded on all the single page inclusing event single page.

    If you want to create custom single template you need to following this doc

    Thank you

    Thread Starter lordmente


    Hi @hiteshmakvana ,

    Did not work…

    I cloned the single.php file and renamed it to single-event_listing.php and put it in the theme directory.

    This is the cloned code from single.php to single-event_listing.php

    global $capital_allowed_tags;
    $post_type = get_post_type(get_the_ID());
    $options = get_option('capital_options');
    if($post_type == 'post'){
    	$show_date = (isset($options['blog_post_date_meta']))?$options['blog_post_date_meta']:1;
    	$show_author = (isset($options['blog_post_author_meta']))?$options['blog_post_author_meta']:1;
    	$show_categories = (isset($options['blog_post_cats_meta']))?$options['blog_post_cats_meta']:1;
    	$show_comments = (isset($options['blog_post_comments_meta']))?$options['blog_post_comments_meta']:1;
    	$show_thumbnail = (isset($options['blog_post_thumbnail']))?$options['blog_post_thumbnail']:1;
    if ( is_rtl() )	{$data_rtl = 'yes';} else {$data_rtl = 'no';}
    $pageSidebarGet = get_post_meta(get_the_ID(),'capital_select_sidebar_from_list', true);
    $pageSidebarStrictNo = get_post_meta(get_the_ID(),'capital_strict_no_sidebar', true);
    $pageSidebarOpt = '';
    if($post_type == 'post'){
    	$pageSidebarOpt = (isset($options['blog_sidebar']))?$options['blog_sidebar']:'';
    }elseif($post_type == 'imi_projects'){
    	$pageSidebarOpt = (isset($options['project_sidebar']))?$options['project_sidebar']:'';
    }elseif($post_type == 'imi_services'){
    	$pageSidebarOpt = (isset($options['service_sidebar']))?$options['service_sidebar']:'';
    }elseif($post_type == 'imi_team'){
    	$pageSidebarOpt = (isset($capital_options['team_sidebar']))?$capital_options['team_sidebar']:'';
    if($pageSidebarGet != ''){
    	$pageSidebar = $pageSidebarGet;
    }elseif($pageSidebarOpt != ''){
    	$pageSidebar = $pageSidebarOpt;
    	$pageSidebar = 'blog-sidebar';
    if($pageSidebarStrictNo == 1){
    	$pageSidebar = '';
    $sidebar_column = get_post_meta(get_the_ID(),'capital_sidebar_columns_layout',true);
    if(!empty($pageSidebar)&&is_active_sidebar($pageSidebar)) {
    $sidebar_column = ($sidebar_column=='')?4:$sidebar_column;
    $left_col = 12-$sidebar_column;
    $class = $left_col;  
    $class = 12;  
    $page_header = get_post_meta(get_the_ID(),'capital_pages_Choose_slider_display',true);
    if($page_header==4) {
    	get_template_part( 'pages', 'flex' );
    elseif($page_header==5) {
    	get_template_part( 'pages', 'revolution' );
    } else{
    	get_template_part( 'pages', 'banner' );
    <div class="main" role="main">
    	<div id="content" class="content full">
        	<div class="container">
          		<div class="row">
            		<div class="col-md-<?php echo esc_attr($class); ?>" id="content-col">
            			<?php if(have_posts()) : while(have_posts()) : the_post();
    					if($post_type == 'post'||$post_type=='attachment'){
    						$post_format = get_post_format();
    						$post_format = ($post_format=="")?"image":$post_format;
    						$post_author_id = get_post_field( 'post_author', get_the_ID() );
    						$meta_data_date = esc_html(get_the_date(get_option('date_format'), get_the_ID()));
    						$meta_data_author = '<a href="'. esc_url(get_author_posts_url($post_author_id)).'">'.esc_attr(get_the_author_meta( 'display_name', $post_author_id )).'</a> ';
    						$comments_count = wp_count_comments(get_the_ID());
    					  	$post_media = '';
    					  	if($post_format == 'image' || $post_format == 'standard'){
    						  	if ( has_post_thumbnail() ) {
    							  	$post_media = get_the_post_thumbnail(get_the_ID(),'full');
    					  	}elseif($post_format == 'gallery'){
    						  	$gallery = '';
    						  	$speed = (get_post_meta(get_the_ID(), 'capital_post_slider_speed', true)!='')?get_post_meta(get_the_ID(), 'capital_post_slider_speed', true):5000;
    						  	$pagination = get_post_meta(get_the_ID(), 'capital_post_slider_pagination', true);
    						  	$auto_slide = get_post_meta(get_the_ID(), 'capital_post_slider_auto_slide', true);
    						  	$direction = get_post_meta(get_the_ID(), 'capital_post_slider_direction_arrows', true);
    						  	$image_data=  get_post_meta(get_the_ID(),'capital_post_gallery_images',false);
    						  	$pagination = !empty($pagination) ? $pagination : 'yes';
    						  	$auto_slide = !empty($auto_slide) ? $auto_slide : '';
    						  	$direction = !empty($direction) ? $direction : 'yes';
    						  	if (count($image_data) > 0) {
    							  	$gallery .= '<div class="carousel-wrapper"><ul class="owl-carousel single-carousel post-media-carousel" data-columns="1" data-autoplay="'.$auto_slide.'" data-pagination="'.$pagination.'" data-arrows="'.$direction.'" data-single-item="yes" data-items-desktop="1" data-items-desktop-small="1" data-items-tablet="2" data-items-mobile="1" '.$data_rtl.'>';
    							  	foreach ($image_data as $custom_gallery_images) {
    								  	$large_src = wp_get_attachment_image_src($custom_gallery_images, 'full');
    								  	$gallery .= '<li class="item">';
    								  	$gallery .= wp_get_attachment_image($custom_gallery_images, 'full');
    								  	$gallery .= '</li>';
    							  	$gallery .= '</ul></div>';
    						  	$post_media = wp_kses($gallery, $capital_allowed_tags);
    					  	}elseif($post_format == 'audio'){
    						  	$audio_code = get_post_meta(get_the_ID(),'capital_post_uploaded_audio',true);
    						  	if($audio_code != ''){
    							  	$post_media = $audio_code;
    					 	}elseif($post_format == 'video'){
    						  	$video_url = get_post_meta(get_the_ID(),'capital_post_video_url',true);
    						  	if($video_url != ''){
    								$post_media = capital_video_embed($video_url,"500","338");
    						if($show_date == 1 || $show_author == 1 || $show_categories == 1 || $show_comments == 1){
    							$post_meta = '<div class="blog-post-details">';
    							if($show_date == 1){
    								$post_meta .= '<div class="post-date"><span><i class="mi mi-date-range"></i> '.$meta_data_date.' </span></div>';
    							if($show_author == 1){
    								$post_meta .= '<div class="post-author"><i class="icon-pencil"></i> '.$meta_data_author.' '.'</div>';
    							if($show_categories == 1){
    								$post_meta .= '<div class="post-categories"><i class="fa fa-folder-o"></i> '; 
    								$categories = get_the_category();
    								$separator = ', ';
    								$output = '';
    								if ( ! empty( $categories ) ) {
    									foreach( $categories as $category ) {
    										$output .= '<a href="' . esc_url( get_category_link( $category->term_id ) ) . '" alt="' . $category->name . '">' . esc_html( $category->name ) . '</a>' . $separator;
    									$post_meta .=  trim( $output, $separator );
    								$post_meta .= '</div>';
    							if($show_comments == 1){
    								$post_meta .= '<div class="comments-likes"><a href="#comments"><i class="fa fa-comment-o"></i>  '.$comments_count->approved.'</a></div>';
    							$post_meta .= '</div>';
    						} else {
    							$post_meta = '';
                      		echo '<div class="blog-posts"><div class="post-list-item post format-'.esc_attr($post_format).'">';
    				  		if (isset($options['inner_posts_header_title'])&&$options['inner_posts_header_title'] == 1)
    							echo '<h2 class="post-title">'.get_the_title().'</h2>';
                      		echo wp_kses($post_meta, $capital_allowed_tags);
                      		if($post_media != '' && $show_thumbnail == 1){
                          		echo '<div class="post-media">';
                              	echo wp_kses($post_media, $capital_allowed_tags);
                          		echo '</div>';
    				  		echo '<div class="post-content">';
    				  		echo '</div>';
                      		wp_link_pages( array(
    							  	'before'      => '<div class="page-links"><span class="page-links-title">' . esc_html__( 'Pages:', 'capital' ) . '</span>',
    							  	'after'       => '</div>',
    							  	'link_before' => '<span>',
    							  	'link_after'  => ' </span>',
    								'separator'    => '/ ',
    							) );
                      		<div class="spacer-20"></div>
                      		<?php if (has_tag()) { ?>
                      			<div class="tagcloud"> 
                          		<?php the_tags('', ''); ?>
                      		<?php } ?>
               	 	<?php if ((isset($options['switch_sharing']) && $options['switch_sharing'] == 1) && $options['share_post_types']['1'] == 1) { ?>
                    	<?php if(function_exists('imithemes_share_buttons')){ imithemes_share_buttons(); } ?>
                	<?php } ?>
                	<div class="np-links">
    					<div class="row">
    						<div class="col-md-6 col-sm-6 col-xs-6 text-align-left">
    							<div class="pn-link prev-post-link"><?php echo previous_post_link('%link', '<span>'.__('Previous','capital').'</span> %title'); ?></div>
    						<div class="col-md-6 col-sm-6 col-xs-6 text-align-right">
    							<div class="pn-link next-post-link"><?php echo next_post_link('<span>'.__('Next','capital').'</span> %link'); ?></div>
                	<!-- Post Comments -->
                	<?php if ( comments_open() || get_comments_number() ){comments_template();} ?>
        		<?php } else {
    				echo '<div class="post-content">';
    				echo '</div>';
    				if($post_type == 'imi_projects'){
    					if ((isset($options['switch_sharing']) && $options['switch_sharing'] == 1) && $options['share_post_types']['4'] == 1 && function_exists('imithemes_share_buttons')) { echo imithemes_share_buttons(); }
    				}elseif($post_type == 'imi_services'){
    					if ((isset($options['switch_sharing']) && $options['switch_sharing'] == 1) && $options['share_post_types']['5'] == 1 && function_exists('imithemes_share_buttons')) { echo imithemes_share_buttons(); }
    				}elseif($post_type == 'imi_team'){
    					if ((isset($options['switch_sharing']) && $options['switch_sharing'] == 1) && $options['share_post_types']['3'] == 1 && function_exists('imithemes_share_buttons')) { echo imithemes_share_buttons(); }
    				elseif($post_type == 'post'){
    					if ((isset($options['switch_sharing']) && $options['switch_sharing'] == 1) && $options['share_post_types']['1'] == 1 && function_exists('imithemes_share_buttons')) { echo imithemes_share_buttons(); }
    				} ?>
            <?php endwhile; endif;?>
            <?php if(is_active_sidebar($pageSidebar)) { ?>
                <!-- Sidebar -->
                <div class="col-md-<?php echo esc_attr($sidebar_column); ?>" id="sidebar-col">
                    <?php dynamic_sidebar($pageSidebar); ?>
            <?php } ?>
    <!-- End Body Content -->
    <?php get_footer(); ?>

    How to proceed?

    Thread Starter lordmente



    I managed to solve the problem. I used the following CSS:

    .col-md-8 {
        width: 100%;
    .col-md-4 {
        display: none;


    Hi @lordmente
    Glad to hear that it is resolved but you are trying to remove the sidebar with the same template used in your theme’s single.php you don’t need to duplicate that file otherwise it will load the same template. please create template file from here

    Thank you

    I have this same problem and I can’t find the page @hiteshmakvana you referenced above. I am getting a 404 error when I click your link. Can you give me some help?

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 5 months ago by ndaword2003.
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