Thank you, that works. That would be good to have it in the plugin settings. It would however simplify the use of the filter, if the “apply_filter” on line 152 would be before the line 126 you mentioned and then instead using a separate $colors variable, there would be $chart_args[‘colors’] from where the plugin would take the colors, it would be pretty easy to set the colors by just defining them as is in your highcharts example.
I combined the code from the 126 onwards to your highcharts example and I thought its good to post it for others as well. Feel free to use it in your wiki page as well:
function filter_m_chart_chart_args( $chart_args, $post, $post_meta, $args ) {
$colors = array(
// Apply colors, yes this kind of sucks, but so does the Chart.js color system
if (
isset( $chart_args['data']['datasets'] )
&& ( 'bar' == $chart_args['type'] || 'horizontalBar' == $chart_args['type'] )
) {
foreach ( $chart_args['data']['datasets'] as $key => $dataset ) {
$chart_args['data']['datasets'][ $key ]['backgroundColor'] = $colors[ $key % count( $this->colors ) ];
} elseif (
isset( $chart_args['data']['datasets'] )
&& 'pie' == $chart_args['type']
) {
foreach ( $chart_args['data']['datasets'][0]['data'] as $key => $data ) {
$chart_args['data']['datasets'][0]['backgroundColor'][ $key ] = $colors[ $key ];
} elseif( isset( $chart_args['data']['datasets'] ) ) {
foreach ( $chart_args['data']['datasets'] as $key => $dataset ) {
$color = $colors[ $key % count( $colors ) ];
$chart_args['data']['datasets'][ $key ]['fill'] = false;
$chart_args['data']['datasets'][ $key ]['backgroundColor'] = $color;
$chart_args['data']['datasets'][ $key ]['borderColor'] = $color;
$chart_args['data']['datasets'][ $key ]['lineTension'] = 0;
return $chart_args;
add_filter( 'm_chart_chart_args', 'filter_m_chart_chart_args', 10, 4 );
This reply was modified 4 years, 10 months ago by