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  • Sygnoos has nothing on their blog or web site about this vulnerability. That’s irresponsible. Own up to it and let your users know how to fix it. That’s what blogs are for.

    We put the latest update in 6 days ago and the redirect hit us today. Either there’s a way to make it persistent or they didn’t fix it.

    Thread Starter verdipro


    @finout & they have replied to other forum posts today – some multiple times, but have not replied to this thread, which is kind of alarming.

    Hi @finout @verdipro

    We are terribly sorry for the caused inconvenience.
    There were some issues with the plugin which were fixed within a few hours.
    We after had released a new version that was completely safe and fixed all of the problems connected with it.
    Also, we had an update which was implemented due to security reasons, the custom JS scripts were deleted.
    This was an intentional update that we had to do in order to keep the websites of our customers safe and secure.
    Our team is apologizing and we hoping that our customers can be understanding due to the circumstances.

    May I ask you to deactivate the plugin and check whether you are having the same issues?
    Moreover, please share the URL’s with us.

    Thread Starter verdipro


    @sygnoossupportteam I currently do not have the issue. But you may want to update your sticky post on it, as I know my themes footer.php file also had code injected into it from the same people that accessed via the popup builder.

    Are you sure that the code does not get injected in any other areas? Should user/pass & things needing to be change there or do they access in differently?

    Hi @verdipro,

    We are happy that you don’t have the issue anymore.
    We can surely say that the vulnerability only affected to the JS codes, they could inject only JS codes into your database.
    Now, the issue is resolved and the next update (which will be the last one connected with the vulnerability issue) will include minor fixes so that this kind of problems will never happen.

    In case you do not have any other questions I will mark this conversation as resolved.

    Thread Starter verdipro


    @sygnoossupportteam thank you for the update. My only question would be, how did they add code to my footer.php page then? I did have code on there & it referenced their code that they added to the JS in the popup.

    Hi @verdipro,

    We are sorry we can’t let you know for sure how the “coders” can hack the sites.
    There are a lot of big companies, that get hacked too.

    This is a problem that no one can be insured.
    The only thing that we can say is connected with the issue we had is that the “coders” could gain access to the custom js our customers.
    We are happy to tell you that we had worked on resolving the issue and can be sure that this kind of issue will never happen.

    Of course, being a digital product is making you vulnerable but we are trying our best on each update to have a more secure and reliable plugin.

    Thread Starter verdipro


    @sygnoossupportteam thank you for your reply. I fully understand and am aware that anything can get hacked at anytime thru a variety of ways.

    My point is that your sticky post: should also tell people to check thru other files that changed on their site, to make sure any of the malicious code was not added to them.

    And if you think it is a good practice to change your WP admin password after the code injection, then that should be mentioned as well.

    Hi @verdipro,

    Thank you for your suggestion, we will definitely make changes to the pinned message.
    Let us know in case of any questions.

    Stay safe and healthy.

    Thread Starter verdipro


    @sygnoossupportteam no problem, thank you!

    Thank you too!
    Stay safe and healthy.

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