To elaborate on what crinkel suggests, all properly implemented Ajax in WP is channeled through /wp-admin/admin-ajax.php. There are certain security measures people use to block access to /wp-admin/ which would also block access to Ajax. Sites using front end Ajax need to have an exception for admin-ajax.php (and maybe admin-post.php) if /wp-admin/ is to otherwise be blocked.
Failure of CF7 Ajax would not be limited to security measures. It’s conceivable some other plugin or even your theme could accidentally be interfering with CF7 Ajax. Shortcodes don’t really have anything to do with Ajax. Shortcodes generate HTML content. CF7 Ajax is invoked from jQuery script that is also loaded onto the page from external files independent of shortcode.
To best help you resolve issues with CF7, we recommend people ask in CF7’s dedicated support forum where its dev and expert users are in the best position to help you. I see you already posted there. To keep replies in one place, I’m closing this topic. Anyone having suggestions for laptopsticker should continue at: