• I really like WP except for the damn editor! I have to tweak every post several times in order to get the layout correct.

    Mostly it’s to do with the way WP ‘interprets’ such things as spacing and justification. In the editor it looks just fine, images and text are broadly where they should be but on previewing elements that were for example centred, are now justified left!

    Line spacing suffers the same mashing, blank lines get added where there were none before, and even after correcting it, more appear,
    even though I clean text before using it. It’s frustrating and time-consuming, constantly having adjust and re-save, so what should take only a couple of minutes ends up taking 10 or more. When putting up 10+ posts a day, I realize that I’ve spent a couple of hours just adjusting the layout.

    Ok, WP is free but even so, something as central as the text editor ought be robust and able to handle simple layouts?


    BTW, I’m using a iMac g-5, OSX 10.5.8 tho it’s happened on every version.


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  • something as central as the text editor ought be robust and able to handle simple layouts?

    With which theme? Every one of the thousands of themes out there has its own layout, markup and CSS. Do you really think that one text editor can provide a 100% accurate representation for every one of those themes?


    As a matter of fact, many people already bypassed that sweaty labor.
    They have been using remote publishing, it’s clear and reliable.

    There is a list of remote client apps.

    Dig it out.

    Thread Starter William Bowles


    Yes, I agree but even so, isn’t the back-end meant to take care of such things? As to offline editors, I’ve been using Marsedit since it came out but it doesn’t do everything unfortunately, I still have to tweak every post.

    I use a very basic theme, plaintxt.blog as I like my layouts simple.

    The mashing BTW, is largely confined to vodpod embedded videos, so I suspect it has to do either with the embed or object code (or both).


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