Hello @razman-wan-fatul,
1. Open this file wp-crowdfunding\includes\woocommerce\Woocommerce.php
2. look for this function: function crowdfunding_order_type()
3. After this line: $reward = $rewards_data['wpneo_selected_rewards_checkout'];
add the following: $reward_json = json_encode($reward,JSON_UNESCAPED_UNICODE);
4. Then replace this: wpcf_function()->update_meta( $order_id, 'wpneo_selected_reward',$reward );
for this instead: wpcf_function()->update_meta( $order_id, 'wpneo_selected_reward', wp_slash($reward_json) );
5. Now open this file: wp-crowdfunding\includes\woocommerce\Dashboard.php
6. look for this function: function order_campaign_action()
7. After this line: $r = get_post_meta($order_id, 'wpneo_selected_reward', true);
add the following $r = json_decode($r, true);
8. Then where you find this: echo "<div>{$r['wpneo_rewards_description']}</div>";
replace for the following echo "<div>". wpautop($r['wpneo_rewards_description'])."</div>";
9. Now you have to do the same in all the templates where selected_reward is displayed.
10. Here: \wp-crowdfunding\includes\woocommerce\Reward.php
11. Look for this function: function selected_reward_in_order_review()
12. Replace this echo "<div>{$reward_data['wpneo_rewards_description']}</div>";
for the following echo "<div>". wpautop($reward_data['wpneo_rewards_description']) ."</div>";
– Look for this function function selected_reward_in_order_view($order)
and repeat the steps 7 and 8 (In the 8 step only difference is you don’t write echo)
Maybe more templates are affected but I didn’t find more for the moment.
Hope it helps,