Sorry, I didn’t make it clear. You need to add *all* of the spacious-header-title function to your own functions.php, and then add in the bit of code I mentioned.
Open up your themes/spacious/inc/header-functions.php file, and find the function “spacious-header-title”. It starts something like this:
function spacious_header_title() {
if ( is_archive() ) {
if ( is_category() ) :
$spacious_header_title = single_cat_title( ”, false );
You *could* just add the code that I mentioned here, so that it would look like this. At least you would know whether the change works.
function spacious_header_title() {
if (is_post_type_archive(‘tribe_events’)) {
return ‘Our calendar’;
if ( is_archive() ) {
if ( is_category() ) :
$spacious_header_title = single_cat_title( ”, false );
But if you ever get a theme update, your change will be lost.
So it’s better to copy *all* of the spacious_header_title function and paste it into your own functions.php, and *then* add in the custom code. You need to copy from the function statement right down to (and including) the “}”, just after where it says “return $spacious_header_title;”
As I say, I only have the free version of Spacious so it might be a little different in the Pro version.
It’s also disappointing to see that Spacious doesn’t have many filters that allow you to change things like the page title.