• Resolved baalco


    Hi there,

    how does inline SVG scaling work?

    Using the standard Gutenberg image block in the setting panel the “Image Dimensions” (25%,50%,75%,100%) do scale the SVG inside the editor just fine. But in the front-end the SVG is always displayed full size.

    To be more precise if for example the SVG is scaled down to 25% in the editor then the browser in the front-end shows the scaled down 25% image for a fraction of a second. But shortly after it switches back to 100%. You can see this if you hit the browser refresh button multiple times in the front-end.

    I did setup your plugin in advance mode with option “Force inline SVG” enabled. The advanced option “Automatically inser class” I tried both on and off mode.

    I have to use the inline SVG method because my SVG files contain font graphics and a custom symbol font. Correct me if I’m wrong, I’m no expert in this matter.

    I use the latest WordPress 5.3.2 and the Gutenberg block editor. In the editor I use the normal image block to add the SVG image into my post.

    So how to scale inline SVG? Does it only work with CSS. If so can you please provide a short CSS snippet and tell where to insert the code?

    Many thanks in advance,

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Plugin Author Benbodhi


    Hi there,

    Thanks for your support and using my plugin!

    You don’t need to render inline in this case. You should outline and expand all contents in your SVG before upload (this will make sure all the fonts and everything look perfect still).

    Then you don’t need to render inline. The force inline setting is overkill and shouldn’t be used for this case in my opinion. That’s a last resort for some builders.

    Additionally, the auto insert classes is just for when you’re inserting your SVG as an image in a post, it will automatically strip unnecessary classes and just add the inline class to render inline. Again, not needed in your case.

    I would recommend just outlining all text and expanding all objects in the SVG before uploading, then just use like a regular image… then it should work. By rendering it inline, you are overriding the styles you set in WordPress with the actual SVG content.

    I hope this helps. Let me know how you go.

    Thread Starter baalco


    Hi Benbodhi,

    thank you very much for your reply.

    The SVG files that I like to add step by step in future WordPress posts are several hundreds. They are graphic export files coming from an astrology application. In the past I used them in articles I wrote with LibreOffice Writer (a text program) and could scale them in there without a problem. So I was surprised how difficult it’s in WordPress to use these SVG files.

    Your recommend “just outlining all text and expanding all objects in the SVG before uploading”.

    Do I suspect correctly that this can be done with a vector graphics application like Adobe Illustrator or Inkscape? For several hundred SVG files that may not an easy task. Or is there a simpler solution?

    If not I’m back to my first question if there’s any way to scale inline SVG files?

    Plugin Author Benbodhi


    To scale them inline, you would need to just use specific CSS to make sure you target the SVG correctly and it isn’t overridden by other code. Your SVG code actually has the size set inside it, so that’s why it’s getting bigger once it is rendered inline.

    You can use something simple like this to set the size yourself:

    svg#svg-replaced-0 {
        width: 100px; // set this to whatever you like
        max-width: 100%; // to avoid overflow at all times

    That code is using the ID that my plugin iteratively adds to inline SVGs as they’re rendered in a page. You could do this in a number of ways… but the main thing is that your CSS is specific enough that it targets the SVG size and is not overridden by anything else.

    Additionally, if you simply remove the sizes from within your SVG file code, it should resize according to its container correctly. It’s just because there is sizes hardcoded into the file that it is getting bigger when rendered inline. Maybe try this first actually… but as you mentioned that there’s lots of files, manually editing their content might not be ideal. So just using CSS to target them might be your best bet actually.

    As for the outlining, yes indeed, it is a feature of vector editing software and is usually necessary to display fonts and things correctly online.

    You could potentially setup a batch script to process them all. But I imagine that they might already have been processed if they are exported from another system… That is where you could set up the outlining to be automated I guess as well.

    If you have the potential to edit the system that is generating these SVG files, then I would make it outline and expand everything, as well as remove the sizes before export. That would be ideal.

    I hope all this helps ??

    Thread Starter baalco


    Thank you for the very useful tips and the code snippet. I learned alot from it.

    Deleting the width and height attributes inside my SVG files is the way to go for me. Because both attributes are placed in the same part in the header of all my SVG files I can even write a small program to batch remove both elements.

    But now comes the weird part that I can’t explain:

    After switching back to an two days old backup of my WordPress database the SVG files scale perfectly fine inside the Gutenberg editor AND also in the front-end browser. And this with my original untouched SVG files (width and height attributes are still inside).

    Did you do some magic behind the scenes?

    I’m happy and confused at the same time. And ashamed having posted an issue that was caused by my corrupted WordPress installation and had nothing to do with your very fine plugin.

    Sorry for that. So this thread can be closed and deleted.

    Plugin Author Benbodhi


    I’m so happy that I could help!

    It’s my magic touch ?? (I actually do have this weird thing when someone has issues with some kind of tech, I just touch it and it works again, for me and them)… So there might actually be something to it. Science hasn’t caught up yet though for me to understand what is actually happening in these cases haha.

    That is really strange though. Maybe there was other changes that loaded the scripts in different order or something like that. Hard to say.

    But yeah, it looks like you have a few options now, which is great!

    Thanks for reaching out, I’m glad I could help.

    Please consider leaving a review:

    Thread Starter baalco


    I fooled myself. Sadly the problem isn’t gone. I didn’t realize that my old backup that I did restore contained PNG files instead of SVG files. So it doesn’t wonder that the PNG files scaled fine.

    Meanwhile I deleted the width and height attributes in some of my SVG files. But that didn’t change the behaviour that I wrote in my first post. But together with the provided CSS snippet (svg#svg-replaced-0) it works under following condition:

    If we want for example scale a SVG to 500px width than inside the Gutenberg editor image block settings under “Image Dimensions” the width should be 500px and at the same time the width attribute in the above CSS snippet should be 500px also. That means that for all added SVG files only one default size is possible.

    Beside that in the back-end all SVG font graphics are shown in Times New Roman font. (Media library and the Gutenberg editor). And the same if the SVG are shown in a lightbox in the front-end.

    I’ll give up on this. WordPress simply can’t scale SVG’s with build in font graphics properly. Whereas SVG graphics are such a great invention their full potential isn’t yet available in website programming. A real a sad story ??

    Benbodhi thanks alot for your efforts. This seams to be a general problem and is not related to your fine plugin.

    All the best,

    Thread Starter baalco


    P.S.: I found a CSS plugin that adds a custom CSS field to the end of every post in the Gutenberg editor called “WP Add Custom CSS”. So I can apply your provided CSS snippet to each post individually which allows me do use different SVG scalings in each post.

    In the end that’s a workaround I can live with ??

    Plugin Author Benbodhi



    Oh yeah, that makes sense with the PNGs.

    You can totally write your CSS in your child theme and set up some classes for different sizes, and put the classes in your SVG files. There’s a few ways to handle that. But you have found a way. My snippet is quick and dirty and just targets the first replaced SVG on the page. I think you’d benefit learning some more CSS in this case.

    Honestly, the best thing to do is just outline your fonts and expand the objects, remove the sizes from within the SVG code, then upload and it will all work correctly. This is how fonts in vector files need to be handled in a lot of cases… because your visitors won’t all have the custom fonts installed and they act wacky in all different environments.

    I can say yeah, scaling fonts that aren’t outlined inside vector graphics on the web is going to be messy. Always outline fonts inside your vector files like you would when you send a vector file to print – the printer may not have your font, the software may be different and display issues can occur. If you want accurate results all the time, you need to outline and expand (this kind of thing happens when scaling stroke widths as well).

    But it seems you have a workaround, so that’s good. I’m glad you can still get by.

    I appreciate your kind words about my plugin.

    Thread Starter baalco


    Hi Benbodhi,

    thank you very much for the additional info!

    I just realized that your code snippet only works for the first SVG file in a post. But then found out that it can be done separately for each SVG just adding its number to the snippet like: svg#svg-replaced-0, svg#svg-replaced-1, svg#svg-replaced-2 etc. ??

    Now as an alternative I would like to follow your advice to “outline and expand” my SVG files. Never did that before, did not even know these terminy. Can you please recommend a software that will do this most easily and reliably?

    Thank you!

    Thread Starter baalco


    Just tried to “outline and expand” in Illustrator. With just three clicks: outline, expand and save again – it’s much easier than I thought. There even might be a chance for batch processing this task.

    The only drawback of outline and expand is that the file size increased from 40kb (optimzed SVG) to 240kb. But nethertheless your are right – this is properly the cleanest and most reliable solution. So my long journey into this matter is coming to the end.

    Thank you for beeing so patient with a beginner like me!

    Plugin Author Benbodhi


    That’s awesome! I personally have most experience in illustrator, however, I have stopped using it for a while. I believe all vector editors will have this ability though.

    That’s a shame that the file got bigger… It may be due to some elements in it that could possibly be made less complex, but that’s getting into illustration and design stuff that I’m not super familiar with.

    You should definitely have more control over your SVG files when they’re outlined though.

    And yes, as you noticed, I made sure that if you have multiple SVG files in a page rendered inline, they will all get iterative CSS IDs added. They will all share the same class as well, so you can target them globally or separately with ease.

    Always happy to help and hear how people are using my plugin, so I appreciate you reaching out for help. It helps me understand the needs of the users more.

    Plugin Author Benbodhi


    It just occurred to me that you may not have optimized the SVG after the outline/expand. You can totally do it again with the outlined and expanded version, it should reduce the file size more by minifying the SVG code and removing any that is unnecessary, while keeping the new outlined/expanded structure.

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