• I have downloaded this plugin, unpacked, uploaded to /wp-content/plugins/media-library-gallery/ and activated.

    Than I added [media-library-gallery nb=13] to the page I wanted Gallery to be shown. And… nothing happens!

    I have 26 images attached to my posts, so it should show them on two pages. But instead of showing images, it shows nothing! There is no errors, I have checked the server error log. Also it doesn’t displaying any html code. I’m totally confused now, can somebody tell me does this plugin works at all with WordPress 2.8.4?! In my case it doesn’t work… ??


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  • RobotFX


    Doesn’t work for me either

    I have had the same basic problem. The only way I could get it to work was to only use the [media-library-gallery] shortcode. If I added any attributes to the code, the gallery would not show up. I also tried using the function in a template page, but that did not work either.

    WordPress Ver: 2.9.2
    MLG Ver: 1.0.2

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