Spam received by contact form
Hi, I have just installed WPForms for the contact form on my site (yesterday). Today I received two spam mails that were sent via my contact form. :
Cute n’ More <[email protected]>
8:45 AM (12 hours ago)
to meFrom: Invеst $ 5,000 in crурtоcurrenсy оncе аnd gеt $ 70,000 рassivе income рer mоnth: <[email protected]>
Subject: [your-subject]Message Body:
Auto Mass Мonеу Мaкer:—
This e-mail was sent from Cute n’ More’s contact form (
Cute n’ More <[email protected]>
6:10 PM (3 hours ago)
to meFrom: Vеrified earnings оn the Internеt from $6874 per wеek: <[email protected]>
Subject: [your-subject]Message Body:
Сryptocurrеncу Trading & Investing Stratеgy fоr 2020. Rесеivе pаssivе inсomе of $ 70,000 реr month:—
This e-mail was sent from Cute n’ More’s contact form ( site is not promoted in any active way and I think it has to do with my new WP mail SMTP installation.
I appreciate your help.
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