Thank you for asking for clarification.
There is text: upload/insert and some icons next to them on my screen.
The first icon is for uploading an image.
I click on it. The main screen does not change. At the bottom of the screen a lot of text appears. The last characters are: iframe=true
However when I move my mouse to try to capture the text – so I can copy it – a different message appears.
There is a small yellow triangle with: “Done, but with errors on page” next to it.
I have tried clicking on all the icons along the line following from upload/insert but they do not respond.
When I first started the site I managed to upload a couple of pictures. However, I tried to upload an image into an item I had already posted and since then I have had this trouble.
I have, therefore, seen what I think should happen. A black screen with a bar in the middle of it appears and then the picture arrives in the post.
That doesn’t happen now.
As things stand it looks like I can’t upload any more images.
Advice on what to do next would be most welcome. (I don’t know how to work with html – yet.)