• I have been trying to get this plugin working with FlexxTheme from iThemes. Has anyone been able to modify the header.php to work correctly?

    I changed the code that calls out the image to:

    <div id=”header” style=”position:relative;”>
    <div id=”title” style=”position:relative;”>
    <span id=”title_overlay”>
    <?php show_media_header(); ?>


    However, areas of the blog come out black. I can’t seem to figure it out. Any help would be appreciated.



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  • Good Day,

    I have also been trying to do the same thing with Flexx Professional, but nothing seems to work at the moment….

    Which theme are you using?

    I have big problems with this plugin. i want to delete this plugin and my header crashes…
    I worked 2 hours to get my style back. OK my problem, i′ve forget to make a backup. Now i show for another plugin to change my header.

    hi, you three,

    i’m fighting the same fight.

    i think this is what we have to interpret and understand in order to solve our problem:

    If you are seeing 2 headers…you will need to use the $dynamic_header_url = dh_get_page_image_url(); function, and use the $dynamic_header_url variable in your style code

    i am very adept at css but i don’t understand what that means. it’s the plugin author’s explanation, pulled from their website at this url: https://nicasiodesign.com/blog/wordpress-plugins/our-first-public-wordpress-plugin-dynamic-headers/

    i’m not working w/ the flexx theme. the theme i’m using is DODO. of note, i was able to use the plugin w/o any problems using Kubrick.

    Hi All,

    First backup the theme you are working with before modifying it.

    Basically your headers that you have now are set to be background images through your theme’s CSS stylesheet.

    So you will need to remove the code from your stylesheet that controls the header background area and set something similar to this in your theme’s header file (in the document head)

       $dynamic_header_url = dh_get_page_image_url();
    <style type="text/css">
       #header-background{background-image:url('<?php echo $dynamic_header_url; ?>');}

    This is only an example and individual themes may vary drastically on how they have the header image set, but in theory, something like that is what you need to do.


    hi, dan

    i tried the following:

    my header bg image was being called via:

    i modified the code u suggested above by changing #header-background to “header-bg”… it didn’t work. it only made the header image disappear.

    here is a link to my production site, if you have any more thoughts on this matter, i’d love to hear them: https://project.bucktowndigital.com

    thanks much.

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