Hello riccosgd,
I had a similar report recently on a specific WP setup. I recently had to change the plugin loading sequence in order to allow the ACF Extended plugin to be used inside the theme as a bundle. I suspect this being the problem.
I’m currently working on a patch for an update tonight, but I would really appreciate some informations about your problem. Can you please tell me:
- WordPress version
- ACF Pro version
- ACF Extended version
- Are you using ACF or ACF Extended as bundle in your theme/plugin?
- What fields are in your PHP AutoSync Field Group? (Flexible Content, Clone?)
Can you please try to disable all field groups autosync, except one? Does the problem still persists?
If it is possible, can you please join us on Slack, so we can discuss this problem and find a solution faster? Here is an invitation link: https://join.slack.com/t/wpacf/shared_invite/enQtODc2MjczMzM3NzQ1LTQxNmY2ZGY3OTU2NDkxNTliYmNhMmY1NDMwZGM4NmYxNzgwZTI5MDUzMDFlMGQ5YzcwNDc0ZWM0MDVmODI4NmI
Thanks in advance,