• ResolvedPlugin Contributor grahamh63


    1. Considering GedShow for my website. One thing I noted is you can only upload 1 Gedcom file. I would like to


    allow visitors/guests (not logged in) to my website the ability to see members in my family tree who are deceased. For Registered/Logged In members, I would like them to be able to see everyone in the data.

    Is that possible?

    2. Is there any documentation on what I need to do in WordPress, I am an absolute beginner on WordPress and for a single home/family site, I don’t want to invest a lot of time or money on this.


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  • Plugin Author colinsp


    In answer to your questions:

    1: There is no facility within Gedshow to have two different displays of the data in the way that you describe. Showing living people in this way may well be a breach of their privacy under GDPR.

    2: If you have a WordPress website then you just add the plugin in the normal way from the Plugins section of your Admin dashboard, enable it and then select the Gedshow option in the Dashboard upload your Gedcom file and then create a page with the shortcode on it and that’s it. Very simple

    Plugin Contributor grahamh63


    Thanks colinsp,

    I should be covered for the GDPR you mention, I have consent from all living members in my tree to publish if it is only to other members of our family. I just need to find the appropriate plugin for WordPress to achieve this restriction/limitation.

    I’ll keep looking, but thanks again.

    Plugin Author colinsp


    Sorry this plugin does not do what you want.

    On my todo list is to allow the uploading of more than one gedcom. Once that is done then you could do what you want with Gedshow. I do not as yet have a timescale for delivering this enhancement to Gedshow.

    Thank you for the interest in Gedshow.

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