• I have modified my blog search result to be like this:
    myblog.com/search/keyword >> myblog.com/search/interior

    and display the search term in my sidebar… such as “interior design” and redirect to the following url >> myblog.com/search/interior+design

    The search results in my sidebar displays well..but when i try to search for example ‘interior design’ term in my blog, and i click the older post result such as next older post 4,5,6…

    The redirect url became like this >>

    I need help to remove those addition term “/page/wp-include/js/thickbox/loadingAn” when i click to the older post from my search results…

    so that if i search for example ‘interior’ and i goes to the olders search result on page 5,6, or 10, it still redirect to :
    – myblog.com/search/interior
    not to :
    – myblog.com/search/interior+design/page/wp-include/js/thickbox

    I hope someone could help me resolving this problem.


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  • What’s that thickbox stuff? In any case, you’ve doing such severe customizations I can’t really help you, this has little to do with Relevanssi. Does it work with Relevanssi disabled?

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  • The topic ‘[Plugin: Relevanssi] Weird Search results >> /page/wp-includes’ is closed to new replies.