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    Thread Starter [email protected]


    Appreciate the reply, but that didn’t work. Any other ideas? The URL link seems fine, just the “choose file” is frozen.

    My photos just weren’t “showing”…I would get blank in FF and red x in IE.

    After some reading, I went to Settings > Miscellaneous, and my photos were uploading to wp-content instead of wp-content/uploads.

    I added the uploads folder and changed the path, and now they’re working fine.

    Maybe that will help you!

    I’ve read that some people have issues with plugins and themes affecting photo upload…

    Moderator Ipstenu (Mika Epstein)


    ?????? Advisor and Activist

    What are your browser, OS and Flash versions?

    It could be the flash upoader, like Ipstenu says. You can check your latest flash version. Or you can force the browser upload with this plugin.


    Check with these options:

    -> Make sure that you have set the proper path in wordpress admin area -> settings -> Miscellaneous for upload files.

    -> Assign 766 recursive permissions to wp-content directory.

    -> disable all the plugins and enable it one by one to find out the culprit.

    -> add this code in htaccess:

    <IfModule mod_security.c>
    SecFilterEngine Off
    SecFilterScanPOST Off


    Shane G.

    Thread Starter [email protected]


    Shane G, thanks, what you said sounds good, but what in the world does “assign 766 recursive permissions to wp-content directory” mean? I have installed no plug ins, and where do I find “htaccess”?

    Frandorf, The problem isn’t file permissions, it’s more than likely the flash uploader. If you’ve uploaded photos before, and it has worked, then you’re dealing with a flash or browser problem. To start with, update your flash player, then we’ll go from there.

    Thread Starter [email protected]


    Okay songdogtech, thanks. I started to do that as you suggest, but the first question is where do I upload it to? What’s the destination? It offers a picture of “Macintosh HD.” Do I click on that? Sorry to be a pain but I’m pretty basic (although lately I’ve been working with simple HTML, maybe that’s the problem?)

    Thanks again. Looking forward to your response. Don’t abandon me.

    Just click on the “agree and download button” on this Adobe page. It should download automatically and start the install. You’ll need your Mac admin password. (And never, ever enter your password for something that you’re not sure of or that is emailed to you.)

    If it and if it asks where to save it, save to your Desktop, then doubleclick on the installer.

    Thread Starter [email protected]


    Okay I think I did it. I see a picture of something on my desktop with the words “Install Flash Player.” Now what?

    Sorry, had to take a dinner break for homemade chili.

    You’re either in an installer window which says “Install Adobe Flash Player for all browsers,” which means you can click “Continue.” Or if you have a window with an icon titled “Adobe Flash Player.pkg,” then double click the icon and follow the directions.

    Thread Starter [email protected]


    Hope the chili was good? Where are you? Okay, I installed it successfully. Now what?

    Yup, it was good. I’m in Montana where it snowed a bit today.

    Try uploading a photo again. Hopefully the flash update fixed things….

    Thread Starter [email protected]


    Hello Songdogtech,

    Well, I tried that with great hope but nothing happened. Maybe I installed it wrong. It did give me a ping and say “installation success!” but under “Devices” I have the following: 1) Macingtosh HD 2) Idisk 3) Install Flashplayer 10 HD. Why does it still say install when I thought I installed it?

    As an alternative strategy, is there a way to use the “URL” function when it’s on my

    Any other ideas would be much appreciated, Montana Sondogtech.

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