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  • I like magic-fields better.

    Thread Starter Nick name


    Magic-fields / Flutter (share the same original source code by the way ), magic-fields beeing a fork off flutter and all… just piggy-back on to wordpress posts system by including pretty and user friendly “custom fields”. Nothing you couldn’t do manually by the way, just prettry stuff.

    I don’t think you can compare a cms plugin as in “content” managing system like pods with a enhance my “posts” custom fields plugin.

    With flutter / magic-fields, all post still live in the same database table, they just have different custom fields enabled. By the way the custom fields/flutter “Content types” management/seperation system is totally wack by default.

    I do see instances where flutter/magic-fields can be usefull.
    I actually use the plugin my self to help my clients upload files and thumbnails to include in there posts: “ON THE BLOG”

    I do also see instances where you could use both.

    But if you want to actually to keep your blog posts seperate from say a business directory or anything that my take of some day.

    You have to stop and ask yourself :
    – where is my content beeing stored ?
    – what can i do with it ?
    – can I display the data any way I want for my users ?

    I just think that if your serious about your data, and find yourself wondering:
    “How am I going to build a work around to do want to do with post’s and the wordpress category structure ?”
    “What about duplicate content ?”
    “Am I going to have to publish this article in different categories”
    and so on ..
    Then you should just stop there. Post’s aren’t for you. You’re so used to worpress and the idea that you can do almost anything with posts and pages. ( The key word here is “almost”)

    Maybe one day some one will want to buy your site, and they say ok, we’re interested in your data, we like the site but we’re going to make a new one.
    You’re going to have to say, I’m sorry my data is just mixed up with all my blog posts.
    All there thinking now is, “Oh it’s just a blog” ( I know some blogs are worth a lot by the way )
    Ok they will maybe/probably be able to do something about it.
    But you’ve just lost one major bargaining chip, and you just look like an amateur.
    If you were using pod’s you could have said:
    “I’m running the site with wordpress. I use it for my news and blog posts because it’s very convenient for our writers.”
    “We have kept our data completely separate in the data base.”
    “We can sell you the data, the blog, or both.”

    At the end of the day flutter / magic-fields / more-fields is for the casual blogger who justs wants to blog on different topics and have some extra stuff displayed for each. Witch is totally cool and I love the work that is being done in that direction.

    But if you’re getting serious and you don’t want to be hacking thing’s up with category id’s, category templates, post templates, include here, exclude there and so on.

    And you just want something clean and professional, then Pod’s is your best bet. Keep an eye out this is just the beginning of a wordpress revolution.

    Thread Starter Nick name


    that’s one long comment ??

    Pods needs a package insert:

    <b>Don’t use Pods-you geht hooked on it!</b>


    Pods needs a second package insert:

    <b>Pods comes with no useful documentation.</b>

    Was unusable for me, php and mysql errors everywhere. Even when uninstalling. And yes, I tried. Even setting up stuff on my server with terminal, to suit the plugin. I guess it ain’t that easy to program a whole CMS layer onto WordPress. ExpressionEngine and Drupal for me, when I need custom content types. Pods is too unstable. And what happens in the future? Imagine you build a site for a client, and he updates his WordPress, only to find Pods got messed up. Then the site will be ******, since all the custom content type “Pods” will break. Damn. No thanks.

    Some might say this is due to my server, but being on Media Temple, my server is pretty obedient and compatible.

    And to get back to my client example: What happens if you one day move this clients site to another server / host? Then it may or may not work.

    Waste of my time, this plugin.



    Did you bother asking for help in the Pods forum?



    Agreed 100% with olivernielsen – this plugin has tons of issues to work out before it can be considered usable. Nevermind whether or not someone bothered to ask for help in the forms – there’s a lot wrong with Pods including a very basic syntax error in pods/uninstall.php that makes it impossible to uninstall the standard wordpress way. Tons of database problems too – some potentially injectable and some just dirty.

    Neat idea, looking forward to its evolution. Not a good option just yet.



    also – magic fields is superior for most applications involving post field customization, even if it’s mostly aesthetic in its approach. it does what one would expect pods to do, in a much simpler fashion.



    Typical mindset from the WordPress community. Instead of complaining about how buggy a plugin is, why not contribute and help make it better?

    It’s kind of what open source is all about.

    We didn’t set up forums and an IRC channel for nothing. If you want to see Pods evolve into something more user-friendly and stable, then maybe it’s time to consider giving a little bit back to the community.

    Otherwise, happy mooching.



    Typical mindset from the WordPress community. Instead of complaining about how buggy a plugin is, why not contribute and help make it better?

    It’s kind of what open source is all about.

    *Round of applause*

    As a developer I wholeheartedly endorse this general sentiment!



    I just happened to peruse this thread but this last exchange prompted me to comment…

    I use a car, but I’m not a mechanic.
    I use a computer, but I’m not a troubleshooter.
    I use a TV, but I’m not an engineer.

    Because I use WordPress does not mean I can be, or want to be, a software engineer. There’s not enough time in the world for me to become expert enough to fix every product I use.

    I appreciate those who code. I appreciate those who contribute. I really appreciate those who help non-coders like me. But Open Source is for those who choose to open it. Like the hoods on cars, there are those of us who, when needed, let those who specialize in such things do what they do, handily.

    If you came to me to produce a TV show for PBS, I would not look down at you because you couldn’t produce it yourself and meet PBS’ engineering, timing, and delivery specifications. That’s not your job. It’s mine. So don’t look down at those who don’t get involved in helping code open source software.




    IBEA – Every comment has some level of context.

    luminopolis mentioned:

    Tons of database problems too – some potentially injectable and some just dirty.

    This clearly implies some database knowledge. If he claims that some of the database queries are “dirty”, then why not help us by showing (specifically) which queries he’s talking about, and how to improve them?

    You don’t have to be a programmer to contribute, even to Pods. All documentation has room for improvement. If you figure something out, then a blog post or tutorial will undoubtedly help someone else down the line. If you’re a producer that wants a new UI, then come up with a quick mock-up.

    If your new car is broken, wouldn’t you take it to the repair shop (e.g. Forums, IRC chat) before sending it to the junkyard? The developers are pretty easily accessible, and it makes no sense to me why some community members are so quick to criticize.



    I was amazed at how active this plugin is being developed. I have been hanging out in the chat room for a while and there is always someone to help you out.

    Pods isn’t perfect, but the developers are working their asses off trying to make it so. Flutter is abandoned, you guys should be happy that we have a plugin being so actively developed. If you have a problem, report it; im sure a fix will be either already available or come out within a week or two.

    I don’t believe there’s any plugin that is ‘perfect’ or ‘complete’, as every developer strives to continue the process of setting goals and reaching them to enhance plugins to fit the always growing needs of users.

    Pods just happens to have a very high learning curve because (personally) I believe that most WP users expect simple solutions with a point-and-click-and-you’re-done interfaces. While although we’re working on making Pods easier for non-developers – we’re focusing our time on developing new features and ideas that make Pods more powerful for the needs of developers with moderate to complex projects on WP.

    Pods is constantly in development and isn’t a pet project of a company – it’s an open source community project that we encourage everyone to participate in. Pods has certainly grown greatly and has been gifted with some really useful features since Late Fall 2008 when it was first released.

    We highly encourage the community (and the WP community) to provide any critiques, reviews, tutorials, code, packages, and documentation that they feel will contribute towards making Pods even better.

    designgears – harmonic400 – olivernielsen – luminopolis – IEBA: You all have your valid points but if you ever want a walkthrough of what Pods does, and how it works, let me know. I’m available. I challenge each of you to be as descriptive as possible in responding to this thread with your thoughts and input on how we can make Pods better for you. You can contact me through IRC on on the #podscms channel (or at – or via my contact form at

    Any Pods 1.7.x versions above 1.7.6 will strictly be bug fix releases as we patch up all currently known bugs. I encourage you to provide any bugs you have experienced, even for versions beyond 1.7.x

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