• Anonymous User 17705524


    Hello everyone,

    I will first explain what I was trying to do, and how I created this mess, lol.

    I have four domains (see below). Everything has been ok for the past year. This was setup and created by someone that is not around anymore and I learned the basics of WP and have been able to update content and install plugins etc.. I have always had issues with some plug-ins on the lakestreet domain/account. They would install say active but not be running recently it was the Wordfence plug-in.

    I went into the Network Admin–>Sites and noticed my main domain ontariostorage was #2 (default) and lakestreetministorage was #1. I thought even though ontario was default maybe this was causing a glitch with some plugins… So as I finished my glass of red wine and thought I know nothing about WordPress mutisite network config this must be the problem (idiot)! So I first tried to edit them and it would not save. So I deleted them all! And added them back with ontariostorage number 1 (default). However I believe others were checked default and I saved it.

    So now I have a broken site and ego… How can I get back into my admin account to fix this? I also have server root access.
    https://brockwayministorage.com/ works but redirects to Dartnall website. If I try https://brockwayministorage.com/wp-admin/ it redirects like mad between dartnall and brockway domains…

    ontariostorage.com (main/default)

    WordPress version 5.3.1
    Apache/2.4.41 (cPanel)
    PHP 7.3.11
    MySQL Server version: 5.6.45

    wp-config.php (multisite original settings)
    /* Multisite */
    define( ‘WP_ALLOW_MULTISITE’, true );
    define(‘MULTISITE’, true);
    define(‘SUBDOMAIN_INSTALL’, false);
    define(‘DOMAIN_CURRENT_SITE’, ‘ontariostorage.com’);
    define(‘PATH_CURRENT_SITE’, ‘/’);
    define(‘SITE_ID_CURRENT_SITE’, 2);
    define(‘BLOG_ID_CURRENT_SITE’, 2);
    /* That’s all, stop editing! Happy blogging. */
    // define( ‘COOKIE_DOMAIN’, $_SERVER[ ‘HTTP_HOST’ ] );
    // define( ‘COOKIE_DOMAIN’, false );

    Thank you,


    • This topic was modified 5 years, 2 months ago by Anonymous User 17705524.
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  • Thread Starter Anonymous User 17705524


    OK I got lucky… I remembered I had recently made a back-up of my database so I dropped the current one and imported my backup. It’s working now! However I still believe the problem with my plugins is caused by the domain mapping setup… It’s always the lakestreetministorage that says plugin active but it isn’t. Is primary not usually number 1? Even though my wp-config has define(‘SITE_ID_CURRENT_SITE’, 2);\ define(‘BLOG_ID_CURRENT_SITE’, 2); I believe this is causing the bug/issue.

    I would appreciate some comments and thoughts…

    Thank you,


    by default it is 1 for the primary site. What does it say to you if you look at a network installation Network->settings?
    From WordPress 4.5 the default mapping has started working (it means not using plugin for mapping or obviously does not see domains added via plugin, if you want to use the default mapping)

    Thread Starter Anonymous User 17705524


    Thanks for the reply… I don’t have Network -> settings? Under settings I have “Domain Mapping”, “Domains”. I do see “WordPress MU Domain Mapping” in my plugins. Someone else set this up and I’m not 100% familiar with multi sites.

    Thank you,


    Thread Starter Anonymous User 17705524


    If I remove the WordPress MU Domain Mapping plugin can I use WP built in multi site without destroying mine?

    define( ‘WP_ALLOW_MULTISITE’, true );

    and remove the plugin… what will happen? lol



    I wouldn’t worry too much about which site is number one or whatever. That’s pretty much just ‘you need one site to be the primary’ kind of a deal. Over the years you might find your ‘primary’ changes as your installation matures and you decide to lose one domain in favor of another. Sometimes even more than once or twice.

    Over the years I’ve had a few sites act up oddly on my multisites…

    I came to the conclusion that I could spend hours trying to fix that one site on the multi that won’t behave or I could just spend the 20 minutes or so needed to create a new site there, move the content, and bring up that brand new site under the same domain, subdomain, or subdirectory and go on about my business.

    I’ve even deleted the old site’s posts, pages, comments, users, and disabled the theme and plugins then comeback later to reuse the ‘broken’ site for something else without a hitch. Just leave the super admin user there.

    The tools menu has some tools for copying the content items for moves such as the above.

    The only thing I can surmise from that is there was something broken in the meta settings and removing all the ‘noise’ cleared that out also.

    If it works then run with it.

    Once you get the multisite and all the subsites running along nicely and you have time…

    Do a really good backup, just in case, then disable that MU Domain mapper plugin and start using the built-in domain mapping in the newer multisite versions.

    Sooner or later that plugin will probably become orphaned and unsupported. It would be good to be away from it before that happens.

    Thread Starter Anonymous User 17705524


    Thank you for all the replies.. So can I “migrate” my sites to the WP multisite? Or will it break everything? Is it better to just install WP fresh?

    I need to drop this WordPress MU Domain Mapping its causing issues with plug-ins but at the same time I don’t want a broken site.



    Before any action you backup your files and database, check wp_base in the database which domain you used.
    If you started before WordPress 3.5 you have a htacess, with WP MU you have another htaccess (in these two cases you have a folder called wp-content/blogs.dir/ for your images).
    If you started with WordPress 3.5 you have another rewrite.
    Can you click the link network I wrote to you before?
    It tells you the configurations for wp-config and htaccess network->setup

    Thread Starter Anonymous User 17705524


    OK I have done the following… I did a back-up first

    1. Make a list of your sites and their respective domains.
    2. Remove all added domains from the domain list.
    3. Remove sunrise entry from wp-config.php
    4. Remove sunrise file from wp-content directory
    5. Deactivate WordPress MU Domain Mapping plugin
    6. define( ‘COOKIE_DOMAIN’, $_SERVER[ ‘HTTP_HOST’ ] ); is added to wp-config.php
    7. https://mydomain.com/wp-admin/network/setup.php
    8. Updated wp-config.php and .htaccess per instructions.
    9. Now I’m stuck only main site working…

    I don’t see a wp_base in my database? I’m not sure what version we started with I adopted this site.. However it was created 25/03/2019 so not very old.

    Thanks again,


    Thread Starter Anonymous User 17705524


    The Network Admin dashboard –> Sites is telling me kill.com is my -main… however under network setup it has “define(‘DOMAIN_CURRENT_SITE’, ‘me.com’);” my other domain? BTW I have four domains.

    And all four domains currently just redirects to me.com.

    if your images for secondary sites are in wp-content/sites/ you started from WordPress 3.5 or higher, in 2019 it is sure that you have definitely started with WordPress 3.5 or higher.
    Click on your database name in phpmyadmin you will see a box for a regex, enter the prefix of your current default wordpress é wp_ and the tabs for secondary sites are wp_2 or wp_3 etc.
    Have you checked from your current installation?
    Sorry my error , check wp_site.
    From WordPress 4.5 you can map each secondary site but the network is without mapping.
    in wp_blogs you should read your secondary sites two ids, site_id refers to the network

    Thread Starter Anonymous User 17705524


    Yes they are in /public_html/wp-content/themes/ministorage/assets/images. Yes mwsp_2, 3, 4. How do I setup the mapping?

    after backing up, clear each existing cache … cache server cache CDN, cache plugin, not cache browser.
    Use the chrome private mode, disability the mu mapping plugin, delete the wp-content/sunrise.php file.
    Read above the provided indications I have never used that plugin.
    wp-content/uploads/site/ for your PNG, GIF etc.
    after creating the secondary site just click on edit and map to your liking, repeat the operation for each secondary site.

    Thread Starter Anonymous User 17705524


    Well I couldn’t get it working without the WordPress MU Domain Mapping plug-in. I could only get the main domain up and running and the other three domains kept redirecting to my main. I was forced to restore from my backup. I’m thinking the best option is start fresh they are very small sites.

    I don’t have the time to figure this out on my own, can anyone suggest a company or individual I could hire to do this for me? Everything is working fine now except a few plug-ins that I have disabled/removed.



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