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  • I also need to do this – in particular, the theme we are using takes the first n chars of a post and overlays that on a giant ‘thumbnail’ on the front-page news rotator. events now look hideous because they show

    November 25, 20097:00 pm[ November 25, 2009; 7:00 pm; ]

    instead of the introduction to the event.

    ANY help or comment about ho wto go about achieving this (moving the schedule box to the END of a post) would be greatly appreciated!!

    A fix:

    change line 540

    function ec3_filter_the_content(&$post_content)
      //return ec3_get_schedule() . $post_content;
      return $post_content . ec3_get_schedule();

    This of course didn’t solve my problem re: excerpts. I didn’t want schedules in my excerpts at all, so I removed the filter hooks around line 595:

    // remove_filter('get_the_excerpt', 'wp_trim_excerpt');
     // add_filter('get_the_excerpt', 'ec3_get_the_excerpt');

    I am sure this si all evil, but it would be NICE to have:
    1.) “schedule block at beginning [] or end [] of post?” options on the admin panel

    2.) “include schedule in excerpts [] ?” option on the admin panel.

    and then check those settings and adjust accordingly.

    roguegeer – Thank you so much for taking the time to update this post with a solution, it’s just what I’ve been looking for.

    Spent hrs looking for the code to stop the schedule being pulled into experts. Thank you!

    Now I just need to work out how to get events that start on one day from displaying in the nxt day in the side bar calendar!



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