@jurasjo – I’m not sure what you mean special mail tags, but the way we did it supports things like get_the_ID returning the main queried page, not a popup ID. Further we don’t replace $post globals ever etc. If it doesn’t work they are likely doing it wrong, or that is to say not the WP way.
Loading inside the loop is way to dangerous for general use of our plugin but you could try it elsewhere by unhooking it and rehooking it where you like. Make sure it only gets called once though:
remove_action( 'wp_footer', array( 'PUM_Site_Popups', 'render_popups' ) );
add_action( 'other action here', array( 'PUM_Site_Popups', 'render_popups' ) );
Hope that helps. If your issue is resolved please take a moment to rate and review the plugin or support.
If you still need help please message us directly at https://wppopupmaker.com/support/.